Letrozole and Demensotub injectsion

I have metastatic BC on he bone. diagnosed Jan 18 - treated within 3 weeks and stable until recently. Has grown slightly after reducing twice in a row with Letrozole. now 2 monthly scans instead of 3 monthly Feel fine.

side effects include now having curly hair after 60+ years straight BUT  Very overweight- unusual for me kicked off by steriods during early treatment.  Is this also likely to be a side effect of Letrozol OR the monthly Demensotub injection?  if someone knows woud be grateful for feedback.


  • Hi yes it is the side affects of injection I put on nearly three stone at start of inj I checked with specialist he said only way to lose it is to stop inj's some choice I also have hot flushes. (my hair used to stick straight up now it lays down. Good luck with treatment. Best wishes.


  • thank you that is helpful insomuch that  I haven't cause my weight problem myselrf. I knew I was adding pounds when on high dose of steroids - but that was only for a month.  Eating patern per usual - but more wine than usual.   I was partly blaming that but overall the massive weight gain didn't make sense. 




    B.O.L. with your treatment too. sound slike we are between a rock and a hard place with this one!