Kidney tumour

My 51 year old partner was told today after a CT scan that he has a large tumour on his kidney, was completed unexpected. Does this automatically mean cancer? He didn’t see a consultant was given the results from the nurse who told him he would referred to another hospital and he would a full body CT scan and chest X-ray. They haven’t mentioned biopsy or anything so is it definitely cancer.

he asked how large it was but the nurse didn’t seem that sure.

Im very scared right now.


  • Hi Pugs2411, 

    Welcome to the forum and I'm really sorry to hear that your partner has been given this news. It's understandable that you're feeling as you are at the moment. 

    It would be impossible for us to say what this tumour might be. Until your partner has had these further tests and seen the specialist it's unlikely that anyone will be able to tell you with 100% certainty what the diagnosis is. I'm sorry that that's not much help at the moment.

    This period of time waiting for test results and appointments can be particularly difficult. Not knowing what may or may not be ahead of you both is bound to be a concern for you both. It might be helpful to chat things through ahead of your partners appointments. If you'd like to speak to one of our team of nurses then I'm sure they'd be happy to talk with you. They are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator