Kidney removed

Went for routine scan following an episode of d and v as I mentioned to GP that I had occasion pain in right side so GP sent me for ultrasound. Got a call following scan to say needed to see GP urgently they had seen a mass on left kidney and was referred to urologist the next day. We walked in to his office he told us he had reviewed my scan and was going to remove my kidney. My husband and myself were in total shock I didn’t have any symptoms I was physically fit  running 5k three times a week and just couldn’t comprehend was was happening- I ask was I going to die he told me he needed to get it out do histology then would tell me what I was facing my husband asked was this cancer and again just tried to resassure that let’s just wait and see. Had a CT scan which confirmed 6mm tumour that was contained in kidney however because of position would also remove adrenal gland too. Fast forward three weeks and surgery is complete 24 hours in hospital and then home. first day was ok I am really sore and stiff ( got some take home morphine but bit scared to take it so relying on paracetamol. Pain in shoulders and chest is the worst ( apparently from gas - has anyone else suffered from this and how long before it stops ) I am having long and big volume wees ( is this normal) and have pooed for first time today ( day 3) is this normal. The worst part of all this is physically climbing the stairs to go to toilet or getting out of bed .I am struggling with how poorly / debilitated I feel as was very well before op ( again is this normal) I have been reading lots online and read an online leaflet from one nhs trust that suggests in the first week I should be doing 10 min walk morning and afternoon !!! ( at moment I can manage a few steps and that’s it  ( are they expecting too much or am I just giving in ???) any advice,tips, suggestions welcome.

  • Hi Samsonmc

    Welcome to the forum although I'm sorry to read about the health problems that have brought you here. 

    It sounds like you've been through a real rollercoaster the last few weeks. Be kind to yourself! You're certainly not giving in but you have just had major surgery. It will take time for you to recover from that in addition to your body now adjusting to having one kidney and not two. I'd imagine if you added up all the things you are doing during the day such as going up and down stairs you're probably doing more than the "recommended" 10 mins flat walking twice a day. And movements such as getting in and out of bed are hard as you're using all the muscle groups around the area that has been involved in the surgery. 

    Do you have a specialist nurse or a contact number that you were given when you were discharged from hospital? If you're concerned about your urine output then give them a call. Or call your GP surgery for advice. I'm sure that they will be able to offer some support and help put your mind at ease. Alternatively we do have a a team of nurses here at Cancer Research UK that you can call to speak to. They are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I really hope now that as the days go on that you start to feel some improvement and that you don't have to wait too long for the results of the tests. 

    Keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on. 

    Best wishes 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi Samsonmc

    I am a little ahead of you in terms of surgery, I too had a kidney removed over 7 weeks ago due to a 6 cm tumour, again no symptoms and it was found by accident, however they were certain it was cancer before they removed it, as it showed up on a PET scan, and was later confirmed after removal.

    Pain in shoulders and stomach are the worst, I agree but (excuse the french) the more you fart the better it is! and now you are manageing to open your bowels it will start to improve, moving around also helps to get rid of some of the trapped wind, but I agree 10 minutes twice a day is a lot this early on, and just getting up and moving around the room helps, just do what you can when you can and dont push yourself. Yes I was perfectly well before surgery and to be honest I got quite cross and frustrated not being able to do much, like you getting in and out of bed was pathetic, I slept sitting up for the first week, I still cannot turnover fully without sitting up first and I find a soft cushion under my tummy helps me get more comfy

    The wounds can be really sore and as they heal the nerve endings start giving off little annoying shock like pains, these do reduce but can take a few weeks, I still get odd ones now, internal healing takes a lot longer.

    I worried I was healing too slowly and getting quite frustrated at the lack of energy and mobility, but after week 6 I felt I was turning a corner and though I am still nowhere near fully recovered I do feel I am finally making progress.

    So I am here 7 plus weeks, I started driving again last week, I managed to Iron for half an hour before I had to sit down, I did a small amount of shopping the other day ( I made sure I used lots of bags with only small amounts in each so that I could lift them) and I hoovered the front room yesterday! I didnt pull any furniture out lol, it was more a token gesture :) but I still tire easily but I expect that to improve slowly over at least the next 6 months.

    I had my post op check up and results yesterday and happy to say they got it all and other than a yearly xray and scan, providing I have no symptoms, that should be me. :) as they have taken your whole kidney anything cancerous is usually contained in it quite well so there is a good chance nothing has been left and if it turns out to be positive you still may not need any further treatment (fingers crossed for you x)

    I intend to go back to work next week but my role is not really strenuous and mostly computer related but if I had a manual role I definately would not be ready and probably not for another month or so.

    I hope this gives you an idea of how you might progress but everyone is different,(I am a 54 year old female who doesnt run lol) I wish you a speedy recovery, dont let anyone tell you what stage you should be at, only you know that

    Keep smiling, it helps! and if anyone asks what you are smiling at, tell them its wind!!

    G xx


  • Thank you really helpful to read your journey thanks for the tips and taking the time to support me - hope you continue to make good progress