Kidney cancer

Unfortunately I was given the news that I have kidney cancer. I just don't know how to feel! The plan is to partially remove the infected part of the kidney. All being well I should be clear of cancer. I know it will be gone soon but I can't help worry that I have it in the first place. If any one has any advice please share, I would be very grateful x



  • Hi,

    I am in the same boat - was diagnosed with Kidney cancer in December and had the whole kidney removed together with a 2 kilo renal cell carcinoma. The consultant was quite  blunt and said if you got to get cancer then Kidney is probably one of the best - once the lump is removed the recovery is good. Fortunately the cancer had not spread and this is one of teh questions you need to ask - how will your team make sure it does not spread - how often will my follow ups be and make sure you have regular blood tests. Dis you know your other kidney grows to half it's size again to compensate for the other kidney ! One other thing - make sure you can poo before you leave hospital - I did'nt and was constipated ofr 11 days ending up with sepsis. I am going back to work next week after 8 weeks recovery and never felt better ! Hope this helps. John.




  • Hi John, I too have been diagnosed with kidney cancer, I received my diagnosis in December, after many tests and a biopsy.

    I was told the most effective and complete cure for me was complete removal of my kidney. I am awaiting my op it is to take place in March.     I was very shocked to receive the news that I had to actually lose my kidney,but, releived that it would effect a complete cure. Also we can live a normal life afterwards with only one kidney.

    Just got to get in and have the surgery of which I am scared, I have to admit.   I am 73     Has your consultant told you what treatment he would recommend for you.?

  • Thank you guys for sharing. I'm a 36 year old woman and I was totally shocked when they told me I had kidney cancer. I have the tummor in my right kidney and they plan on removing the infected bit not the whole kidney.... I'm so scared that it will return and feel I have to spend my life worrying that this thing will come back. Is reccurance common or can I rest easily? I don't know how to feel about the diagnosis I'm having a low day x

  • It is a scary thing. In my case I don't have to have any chemo or radio therapy unless I get secondary's so it's scans and blood tests every 3-6 months. It does feel like sitting on a time bomb but I guess tahts something I have t get used to.

  • Hi cooki i was diagnosed four plus years ago with kudney cancer supposed to be nit so common in woemen but in a group i was in was more common i had full kusney remived hope your doin g ok x

  • Hi jobn i had ny kidney removed four years ago i do t think so.e of the consultants k ow that much about it as it was a rater cancer supposed to be mire in older men after being ina grouo for four years gound out to be alot of younger woemen too and ct survelluance is the sfter are key ive list alot of friends to it who have veem tokd they were still ckear after the five years and nrys home back after that so checking is still vital x