
Hi, My husband is going through prostrate cancer investigation, I am so so stressed. We now have 4 appointments, MRI, Biospy, Bone scan etc. My head is all over the place. I don't know how to support my husband and remain positive. We have one 6 year old who has Autism and he is non verbal. Life is so unfair. I keep thinking about the worse case scenario and don't know what I will do without him. I keep crying before I go to bed or run in the bathroom to cry or in the car on the way to work.in just don't know how to keep strong for my little family. Doctor told us that he has Cancer and after the tests they wI'll do the staging of the cancer.

  • Hi goodluck, I know it's waste of time saying relax, but you panicking doesn't help, prostate cancer is quite a treatable thing until you know the stage or grade I'm afraid there's nothing any one can say or do to help you if hubby is well there are plenty of options available. As others on forum can tell you once you have details we can help you with our experiences good luck. Billy 

  • Hi there ..

    So so sorry your going through this right now...  and me and my son and close family did exactly the same as you .. firstly that's normal .. to do the what ifs and worse case sinarios... we've all been there .. 

    But we all started to cope when my daughter in law sat us down and said no more panicking... no more what ifs .. no more thinking the worse ... well take each day and each problem as and when it comes up ..  and well do it together... well it sure snapped me out .. and like you had lots of other stuff going on too .. my sister with dementure ... my cousin in late stage cancer ... and lots more too .. 

    But when you look at the whole picture it becomes overwhelming... and then everything collapses... one thing at a time ... one day at a time ... like Billy has said .. he's doing just that .. he really does know what things are like from all angles .. 

    Now I cryed the first two days .. I don't hide feelings .. I get them out .. deal with them .. admit it's really scary ... and get my pink boxing gloves on .. get in that cancer boxing ring .. look it in the eye .. and get ready for the fight of your life's... 

    I've worked with autistic children, that are on the top end and know how challenging that is every day .. well think how did you cope with that every day ... you just did .. now you need to put that same strength into coping now .. you can do this ... as long as you admit and deal with feelings along the way ..

    Wer all here if you need a shoulder to lean on .. and if you feel overwhelmed again just look round that boxing ring .. wer all in there with you ...   sending you a vertual hug... Chrissie  

  • Awww, many thanks for your reply. I do want to fight this and want to be stronger for my family. I know that husband is very worried about this as well and about our future but he doesn't express his feelings the way I do by crying but I will sit down tonight and say this to him that we will start to look after each other and spend more time with each other. I am trying to find things to keep ourselves busy during this waiting period and will pray every day that it's not bad as I think. Many thanks for your reply once again.

  • Many thanks Billy for your reply. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so worried and couldn't stop thinking and crying. I will share our results here. Fingers crossed that it's not as worse as I think. The only other thing I wanted to ask that when the doctors did a sonography, they noticed that his urine is left behind even though he is able to pass urine okay. My husband doesn't think that his flow is affected, but the sonography shows that some urine is left behind. GP did say that there is a possibility that his prostrate has enlarged. The consultant who did the rectal test, he said that his prostrate felt hard which indicates he has either cancer or tuberculosis. I have never heard of tuberculosis on prostrate! Was looking online but couldn't find anything. Do you or anyone know what does that mean? I didn't ask anything to the doctor at the time because my mind went blank when I heard those words. waiting for a nurse appointment to show him how to empty his urine with a catheter. His PSA was 10. Sorry to go in a bit more detail here. Thanks 

  • Hi Kate, I don't know if you know much about prostate cancer, but mine was gleason 8 stage 4 it went from the prostate to the lymph nodes, spine, ribs, pelvis and I lung that was Feb 2016 psa was 1581 remember I'm still on the go living a normal life apart from old age I'm 67 years old, hope hubby gets sorted best wishes... Billy 

  • Hello Billy,

    Really sorry to hear what you are going through. I didn't know anything about Cancer until it was mentioned to last week and I started doing some research on the Internet. It's really good to hear though that you are living a normal life. Sending Best wishes to you. Regards 

  • Hi I wrote earlier then thought I'd give you a better idea of what could be a bad result, my psa was 1581 gleason 8 stage 4 it went from the prostate to the lymph nodes, spine, ribs, pelvis and I lung that was over three years ago I'm still fine living a normal life apart from getting older aches and pains all over, hope this gives you a better idea,.. Billy 

  • Many thanks for your reply Billy. My husband had his MRI and the bones scan this week. Next week its biopsy and the week after its endoscopy I am hoping that his cancer is low risk and he has years to live. My little one is only 6 years old and he has Autism. He doesn't talk or have much understanding. I am hoping his dad gets to see his son talk one day. Thanks

  • Hi Kate just wondering how things were going with hubby has he had results  and found out options,. Best wishes... Billy 

  • Hi, my husband has a stage 3 localised advanced prostate cancer. We met the urologist on Tuesday this week and was given all information. My husband's treatment has started. They have started him on anti cancer pills and he has to go for a TURF surgery soon. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the success rate is for the localised prostrate cancer. Can this be cured? The urologist wasn't able to answer any of my questions. I kept asking him the same question in different words and gave me the same answer that he doesn't know. They want to do the hormone and a chemotherapy. Does anyone know if the Surgery to remove the prostate gland could help reduce the risk and give me more years with my husband?