Kadcyla for secondary breast cancer

Hi - I'm new to the forum, have been living with Secondary Breast Cancer since June 2014 and up until recently, have been doing well on Herceptin and Pertuzamab. Over the past 6 months, this has stopped working quite so well and now as of next week I will be switching to Kadcyla. Would welcome any information from those who have taken or are on this treatment and how they have found it. Side effects etc. Thanks very much.

  • Hello Shutterbug52. 

    We have some information on our website about Kadcyla which you can find here and hopefully will be helpful. 

    I can see that we've 2 members who have posted in the last few months about Kadcyla - [@Camillri]‍ and [@lindy139]‍. I've tagged them into your post here so it may be that they're able to post to share their experiences with you. 

    I hope this helps. 
    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi I am on kadcyla since 2017 and it be great Iv had no side effect through it , it good drug , hoping it will keep the cancer away I'm HER2 pro . Just had a bit of a scare on my last CT scan , one of my lynores a bit  swollen so have to have a scan on Monday just to see what it is , is this your recurrence cancer then .i am secondary breast cancer , had it in my breast then 2 years later went to my right rib . Thank you Theresa 

  • That's very helpful Jenn, thanks very much.x

  • Hi Theresa

    Good to hear that you are having no problems with Kadcyla, hope the same goes for me.  First one on Thursday.  Hope everything is alright with your scan on Monday - I've just had my PET scan which I have every 3 months, so am no stranger to the anxiety that goes along with them.  

    I've also got secondary breast cancer and there has been some activity in my left lung hence the change to Kadcyla - hope it gets to work and blasts the buggers.  

    Best wishes Jude


  • Hi Jude 

      The best of luck 

          Regards Theresa 

  • Hello Shutter.  How are you doing?  Ive just had my 5th Kadcyla and it seems to be ok.  I have secondary BC in neck, chest, liver and spine, had 6 X docetaxel last year with herceptin and perzumutab but they didn't work so fingers crossed for the K.  SE's not too bad, tired 2-4 days after and slight nausea and I have noticed the glands come up on the back of my neck which are very tender then go again.  I have a dry mouth sometimes but the worst is the stuffy nose and blocked ears, but could this just be sinuses ar this time if year?  Haven't heard of anyone else with this.  Have you had any SE's?  It's nice to find someone else on this treatment.  I've looked at other sites and appears lots of good results with this drug.  Would love to hear back from you

  • Hi Happi

    So sorry for the delay in getting back to you and thanks  very much for your reply.  Glad you are not suffering too much on it.  I've had 4 now and am finding that I'm a lot more tired than I used to be on Herceptin/Pertuzamab.  The other main side effect has been my eyes.  I've got epithilal deposits on my corneas which is causing a bit of blurry vision and I also have dry eye.  Annoying but in the grand scheme of things, manageable.  I'll be scanned again in a week or so, so fingers crossed that it is doing the job!  Hope all goes well for you.