Just wanted to say Hi to this group and ask advise.

My name is KAren and my Husband is currently in hospital, diagnosis cancer of the voicebox. We have no other info than that until Weds this week when a meeting will be had with the Consultant to decide on a treatment plan and prognosis He was diagnosed April 29th and already in hospital with a feeding tube as his throat is so sore, made worse by the biopsies they took. We do not know extent of tumour but have seen a pic of it! Its effected one half of his throat, until Weds we do not know if it has spread yet to lymph nodes etc. He will have a stomach tube fitted soon. The consultant told us to expect a hospital stay of round two months, has anyone else had this similar type of situation where you were kept in like this. I am so worried for him, he can only whisper now, he will lose his voice completely we expect. Just don't know what really to expect apart from a long, long road and we have been told it will be tough. Read lots of your stories here, you all are so brave sharing as you have and as an onlooker I thank you.

  • Hi there ...

    And welcome to our little chat room ... your right it's a long , hard road ... but it's comforting to have some where to come where people knows how this journey effects us ...

    So any questions or just a chat about it , just ask on here ... chrissie x

  • Thank you Chrissie.....


    Today has been a long hard say 14hrs at hospital, left him when he was asleep, felt bad doing that but I have to eat and try to rest, feel selfish now and am worrying about him. God this is so hard. Tomorrow we find out the extent of the cancer we have been told its on the worse side of bad, so we are dreading it. I just want tocurl up beside him ad hold him close and I cant. Sorry peeps feeling sorry for myself but its him going through the hell,,,,,