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Hi I'm new to this my mother got bowel cancer two years she had op where they removed two tumours because the doctor spilled the tumours she had to have chemo started chemo all was going well then one day she went so ill we thought we was going to lose her she stayed in hospital for few months she came better so she decided to stop the chemo because it made her so ill everything was going ok in January 6 this year I give birth to baby boy I had to have ivf thank god i did my mother went for scan check up in July and they found she had mass they didn't know if it was on her ovary or bowel she had to have more tested last week she had phone call that appoinment was made to see cancer Doctor my mother thought she was going to have treatment so she told us all that she would take anything not the chemo she had because made her I'll before she went I phone my told me that they couldn't do anything it was inoperable and she couldn't have treatment we was shocked what hurt me the way they told her she thought she was going to have treatment instead they told her that they asked her have anyone told you she said no she came home we cried I can't explain the way we all feeling she had to go back to the hospital yesterday they told her that they can't do nothing because the cancer gone in her blood we don't know how long she got she only 71 and her mother 97 she still live I always thought she live good age like her mother I'm sorry for rambling its hurts like hell because there nothing we can do I'm writing this it don't seem really I don't know what to do and I'm worried as well because my father had bowel cancer he ok it's been over ten years I think they court it early with him when he had it could it fall on me and my two sister it's so frightening 

  • Hi Gemini39, welcome to the forum, but sorry for why you're here. Dealing with cancer in any way shape, or form is so stressful when everything is going reasonably well, but when we run into situations such as what you are dealing with your Mom, it becomes so much harder. I'm so sorry to read about your Mom having this terrible disease with no options for treatment. Sometimes the treatments are worse than the disease, such as in your Mom's case, and it also was in mine too. I think the word "cancer" has to be the most hated word on the planet. I know it is in my world. I have lost so many loved ones to cancer that I've lost count, and now I am dealing with my own disease. However, I am older than your Mom and I know that I am lucky in one sense to have lived this long, but dying with cancer would not have been my first choice. No one gets out of this world alive and wouldn't it be good if people didn't have to suffer with cancer when life ends.

    For you, having just given birth to a new baby, (I'm assuming your first), this is already a very emotional time for you and now you are dealing with your Mom's serious illness. My heart goes out to you. I wish there was something I could say to you that would help alleviate some of the pain you feel right now. Unfortunately, there isn't much anyone can say to make this better. I hope you are able to cherish every possible moment with your Mom and new baby and I'm sure she will relish every moment she has to be in this little person's life.

    Come on to the forum and write down on here how things are for you. Just writing about it does help a lot and gets it off of your chest for a bit of relief. In addition, the people on here know and understand how painful this is for you and will give you support, although virtual, and help you to get through this.

    Sending you hugs to you and your precious baby son


  • Thank you for the kind words and taken the time to read and answer my post you think you only one going though this until you come on here I been reading different post on here the people on here with cancer or not got cancer are so brave it do help to talk to people who are in same situation as you or not in same situation I wish I came on her when I first found out that my mother had cancer this do help thanks again I hope you feeling ok uself ?