Just diagnosed with breast cancer

Today I found out that I have breast cancer. I'm still a bit shocked and numb if I'm honest. I'm 32 with no family history of breast cancer and it was initially thought to be a cyst. I'm nervous about what comes next and I don't know how to tell my family. My partner knows but I don't know how I'll tell my parents. Any advice about getting through treatment and how to tell loved ones would be gratefully received. 

  • [@Theresa_B]‍ hi i had absolutely same reaction when i find out about my cancer age of 49, it takes time to realise that its actually you not someone else ... it took a while for me to talk about my diagnosis i was scared , its like what everyone will think about me . But this is everyone take different way and you need some time to realise that your new life . Just to reassure you breast cancer its very highly treatable this days and you can gey lots of support ftom groups and chats with ladies. My diagnosis is IDC grade 3 her2 positive and i find few ladies with same type of cancer to chat and share experiences. Its long journey you know , yout treatment plan will be done in a best way what its best for you. Think that you not alone , chat with us and me any time im yours new friends xxx

  • @Anna71 Thanks so much for much. It's nice to know there is support. It's still sinking in and don't quite know what to feel. It's exactly as you've said, it's like it is happening to someone else and not me. My cancer type is IDC grade 3. I'm meeting with the consultant next Monday to look at results of tests carried out yesterday and to talk about a treatment plan. Thanks so much again. Xx

  • [@Theresa_B]‍  oh yes even now im after mastectomy i still cant believe its me ... its normal to feel that its not you  , such a things its very shocking and unexpected. My advise you as soon you get your treatment plan dont google as you will find lots of different stories and now this days treatment its more successful and been made individualy for you . Every single letter and number in your biopsy means something for treatment and we not always up to that. Life its beautiful, we going out of lockdown and more sunny days ahead so enjoy your free days with out treatment and later you will go over it as all of us . You one of the luckiest as you caught your cancer and there is 11 000 woman every year dont know that they have it. So you are blessed in this way and me too im blessed that i find out with no pain no sign ... keep free to chat with me as now im your sincere friend... xxx

  • Hello Theresa,

    yes cancer is a tough call and I am sorry you are in this position. You have come to the right place though for support! This forum is brilliant. I have made use of it quite a lot since my diagnosis in Oct. 2019

    I was of course devastated to hear that I really DID have cancer. Like you I was knocked backwards. What to do or say?? Who to tell and when?  There isn't a formula though. I suggest you go at YOUR pace and tell those people you want to. It's your news and there isn't a right or wrong way to manage any of it. All I can say is it's gets better once the doctors have formulated a plan of action with you. Somehow feelings of having control reappear. You are going forward rather than being stuck in headlights. That was my experience anyway. 

    The treatment isn't always easy but each time I completed things I felt that much more positive. On the bad days I cried and allowed myself time to wallow a bit.  No one is brave or stoic all the time and I think it's far better to 'let go' of the stress if it hits.  It will at some point. Go with it. 

    I had one trusted friend as well as my husband. I can't tell you how important that was.  Both people allowed me to just be. They could bear to hear the unthinkable and share the fear inside of me. It SO helped  me through the toughest of times. Reach out to those you trust when you need to. It's such a release. 

    I am a natural coward and I have always been healthy. Fairly fit and exercised regularly. This experience has made me fitter and stronger in all ways. I feel proud of myself and positive (mostly) about the future. I would never have thought this cancer journey would take me this far. I am NOT saying I am glad it's happened because I wish of course that it hadn't. However life is that more precious now....each day I am given is definitely sweeter. 

    I wish you well. There are brilliantly kind, knowledgable people on here. Lean into them when you want to. I did and still do. 

    Go well. Wishing you much luck next Monday. 

  • Thanks so much @kebb. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster this week. I couldn't sleep last night or the night before. I have however told my parents and I am glad I did. They want to support me through the process.