Just diagnosed at 34 with Breast Cancer

Hi there,

I was told on Friday that I had Breast Cancer, completely shocked and feel heartbroken, I have a 22 month old daughter and can’t explain the depth of pain I feel.

I didn’t go with anyone to get biopsy results, as previously, I was given feedback that the lump found looked like and felt like fibrodemena it was only the biopsy which confirmed it was cancer. 

Waiting for more test results and for an MRI. To confirm all results. Initially I have been told it’s hormone receptive and grade 2 invasive inductal cancer, really hoping that someone can reassure me that I can get through this and share any feedback if you have been in a similar situation. I keep having breakdowns and feel I need to get a grip. 



  • Hello,

    im so sorry to hear your news, it’s never nice to hear you have cancer.

    i was diagnosed in May with the same cancer, I had surgery two weeks later, had a lumpectomy, got my results mid June and was told all was clear. I’m due to start radiotherapy in a few weeks time and have just started tamoxifen but otherwise all is good.

    Breast cancer today has such good survival rates, they really know what they are doing these days. I appreciate it’s hard when you have young children, I have a 12 year old and my heart broke for her.

    once you know what the treatment plan is going to be I promise you will feel better about things. 

    Ploppy x

  • Hi,

    I went for the appointment at the Breast clinic as I was having pain in my right boob, after an exam from the doc and a mammogram I was horrified when they said they had found a mass in my left breast, I too was on my own and was devastated, a call was made to my husband who immediately came to the hospital. After a biopsy I was told that I had grade 1 breast cancer. I have had a lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy. The cancer hadn’t spread to my lymph nodes but they did actually find 2 masses whilst operating, I start a 3 week course of radiotherapy in a couple of weeks and I am now taking letrazole and mine his hormone related. I have been taking one day at a time but have always felt really positive. You will get through this, be strong. I thought when the c word is mentioned it is a death sentence but soon realised this is definitely not true. You will get through this. Sending lots of love and prayers



  • Hi Ploppy,

    Thanks for your message, that’s reassuring. It’s good to hear your story. How are you feeling now? Any side effects from tamoxifen? Did you have MRI?  Such good news you have the all clear from your op. 

    I am looking forward to getting MRI done, albeit terrified something else is found, I just want have the surgery to remove lump asap.

    thank you for your words. 




  • I'm so sorry for how you are feeling just now. I can't imagine how unbearable it feels to hear such news when you have such a young child. The only blessing is that she is too young to worry. My daughter was 19 when I was diagnosed, and seeing her face when I told her still haunts me.

    I finished all treatment (multiple surgeries and radiotherapy) in May last year. During diagnosis and treatment you are immersed in a world of words that are hard to apply to yourself. Scary words like biopsy, surgery, chemo, radiotherapy, scans, MRI etc.  This is the worst time of the whole thing, as you have a diagnosis, but have not yet got your treatment plan.  Things will definitely feel better when you know what you have to do, but for now it is normal, and OK, to be frightened and sick with worry.  We all understand.  You will be OK - you have your wonderful daughter to motivate you to get through all the treatment - and as [@Ploppy]‍  says, the survival rates are good now. Your treatment is targeted to what you need. Thinking of you, though, at this horrendous time. 

  • I didn’t have an MRI, wasn’t offered one, told it wasn’t necessary. I’m feeling really good now,had some wound issues but nothing major and fingers crossed I’ve not had any side effects yet, if I’m honest I’ve been more nervous about the tamoxifen than anything else.

    Hope you get your MRI soon, let us know how you get on x

  • Hi Georgie,

    Thanks for your message, I had to make the call to my husband from hospital too. It just felt like I had gone into an awful parallel universe on Friday with no way out. 

    I hope the hormone therapy is going ok for you, let me know how your radiotherapy goes. Sending lots of support! 

    I will try to be positive, it’s so helpful to be on hear and speak to people. 

    Thank you xxx

  • I understand that, I am nervous about hormone therapy. Good to hear it’s been ok so far, glad you are feeling good. 

    I think the MRI has been offered because the two screenings (mammagram and ultrasound) were struggling to see the mass due to my age, so it’s an extra precaution I guess. 

    Wish you all the best and I will keep you posted. 


  • Hi Millie

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I too have been diagnosed on 11th June. A complete shock. 

    What I will say is don't Google anything and stick to forums like this one and Macmillan. The ladies on them are all super supportive with everyone at different stages in their journies it will give you an idea of things to come. I have two young children and it's really hard for your mind not to run away with itself in those first few days after diagnosis. As the others have said BC treatment has and is being developed so much, medicine can really help with this one. 

    I had scans (MRI, PET, CT) and got the results on Friday and also my treatment plan which has really settled my mind. I'm feeling much more positive than I was a couple of weeks ago and you will too once you know what's happening. Its the waiting and wondering / fear of the unknown that's the scariest part.

    I won't say try not to worry because you will.

    Try to remain positive and pop on here if you're feeling low there's always someone around to bring you back up. 

    Take care xx

  • Hi Blackcat, 

    Thank you for your message, I am feeling better already from these messages.

    My family will help me get through it, just going to come on here when feeling low to see I am not alone. Just going to get through each day, until I get more results/plan of action. 

    So glad your treatment has finished, hope you are feeling well. Your daughter must be so happy you are finished with treatment! 


  • Hi, I’m 34 and have just had a lumpectomy for a grade 3 triple negative cancer. Start chemo next week. Would love to help you with any questions or worries you have. If you have Facebook look for my blog ‘threekidsandcounting’ xxx