Just diagnosed

Hi all I'm shell got diagnosed with renal cancer last Tuesday got scan on a lump in my breast tomorrow feeling like my life is over.


    Hi Shell,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat.

    It sounds as if you are having a tough time. I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis of last week and hope that your scan tomorrow goes well.

    This is a scary time waiting for results. Have you come up with a treatment plan for your renal cancer yet?

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on. There is always someone here whenever you feel like talking.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Dear Shell,

    let me start by saying that i know exactly how you feel because i found myself in your position back in 2013. I don't have the same cancer as you. I was diagnosed with t-cell lymphoma, i was 29 years old at the time. My cancer quickly progressed, going from stage 1 to stage 4 in less than 8 months. I remember telling myself "my life is over" just like you did. I don't want to spend too much time focusing on my case, but i just want to tell you some important details...I received treatments for 4 years, including PUVA, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and interferons. Few months ago, the treatments stopped working and my doctor said the only option left is a stem cell transplant. Long story short, as i am writing this, i am in the hospital in isolation. I've been here for 3 weeks already and i received my transplant 11 days ago, on august 10th. I am staying positive and hopeful that this will work.

    When people are diagnosed with cancer, the first question that crosses their minds is "am i going to die" or "my life is over". You need to remind yourself that you cannot predict the future. One of the best lessons i learned in life is: be positive, and positive things will happen to you. I don't know you, but let me tell you that i don't consider myself stronger than you. You will have to be strong and patient. Stop thinking about what might happen because things can be completely different. In 2013, i was told i had approximately 1 year to live. 4 years later and im still here, fighting non stop. Don't let the word cancer bring you down, enjoy life, be positive and hopeful and you will be amazed by the power of your subconscious mind.

