Just a quick hello...

Hi All just a quick hi from Nottingham. I'm Pete, diagnosed end of last year with advanced prostate cancer that's spread unfortunately. First chemo was 2nd Jan which tbh hasn't been that bad, next one next week so I'm anticipating the cumulative effect to kick in at some stage. I'm finding it really very helpful to have a forum like this to read about other people's experiences, good, bad, encouraging, it's made me feel a lot less lonely in this that's for sure.

Hopefully I'll be able to contribute something useful.



  • Hi there Peter... just want to say hi back, and welcome to our little chat room, where you can say anything and someone on here will be feeling the same feelings to ... weather it's a good day, or you just want to have a rant ... so when things get tough, look around this rollercoaster wer all on ... wer right behind you .. so hold on tight and l hope you kick cancers bum ... Chrissie x

  • Hi Pete

    Sorry your on here, but it's a good place to ask questions and get help, there are a fair few with simuler symptoms, myself being one, except I've done the chemo etc, what were your PSA etc, it's good that your first session went well it can be a devil for most people. 

    Keep us posted ask some questions worried about anything we are all here to give any advice we can.

    take care


  • Thanks for the welcome both, it's a great community you have here! Kicking it's bum (lol) would be great Chrissie but realistically I think I'm going to have to settle for a delay at best. I'm 63 in July (I lived through the 70's so you know maybe not the healthiest life style, it was fun tho!), it's the younger people I really feel for, it must be devastating.

    Joe the PSA was 939 or something around there, Gleason of 4+5 = 9. I'm not sure if/when they check again to see if anything is working. I'm on 3 monthly hormone injections, chemo with Docetaxel 3 weekly (2nd one of 3 tomorrow), and just waiting for the results of a bone scan. Is this similar to your treatment? Re the chemo I'm told it has a cumulative effect so I'm anticipating a worse effect this time round but ever the optimist!

  • Oh well , one thing we have in common then, I'm 63 too, and like you l do remember 60s / 70s and wouldn't be young in any other time ... if your going to San Francisco ... flower power, and peace man ... how lucky were we ... 

    Like you my heart goes out to those brave little ones, and ones still with young families ... l watched a programme on t.v on a cancer ward for young uns ... they were all going through chemo, and they all had a smile on their face ...it made me feel very humble, and I promised my self, if they could do it, id get through it with a smile too ... 

    I've got lots of other health issues too, so l know kicking cancers ***, ain't easy ... but I've got my boxing gloves on, and win or loose, I'll stick two fingers up to it all the way ... so I'm sending you some virtual gloves ... made of hard stuff ... us teens of the 60s / 70s ... all the best Chrissie x

  • Hi Pete

    Yes we are very simuler, my PSA was 893, Gleason 9/10 stage T4 metistic in my shoulder and rib.i had six rounds of doxcetaxel, twenty sessions of Radiotherpy, and three monthly injections of Prostap, unfortunately I have gout, acid reflux, and slightly high cholesterol plus a few other bits arthritis in my wrist bad knees and back rib pain and abdomen pain, my cabinet is like a pharmacy although I only take certain Meds at certain times, when there's a flair up.

    i was diagnosed in early July 2016 my PSA at present is 0.04 I changed my drinking and eating habits, very little alcohol, hardly any red meat lots of fish ( but I do like my curries ) I take two supplements B12 for my blood and Pomi-T to help keep the PSA down.

    I excersise everyday, don't eat sweets as cancer loves sugar, I do break now and again but maybe twice a month,.

    So that's me at the moment Pete 65 and wanting to see 70 we will see.

    Take care
