It's getting so difficult to cope

These last few days for me have suddenly been so difficult. Up until a few days ago, although unwell, my mum was still able to talk with us and move around (to an extent). Now she is not even responsive. She just lies there, half-asleep. Hanging onto life.

And I think, how on earth is that my mum? She shouldn't be confined in a hospital bed, trapped in her own dying body. It's just so unfair. I wonder too, why some people have to suffer so damn much. She lost her own mum when she also was very young. And now she has to go through the same thing? How is that fair? How can anyone deserve that? I just don't understand the point of so much suffering, and if there is a god, I really hate him.

After visiting her today with my dad and brother, we went out to the shops. It just felt so wrong, though. We are broken without her. And I can't even put into words how jealous I am when I see other girls out with their mums. It's what my mum should be doing with me. Why is she the one who has been given a life sentence? 

I think its been nearly 3 weeks since my dad told me her cancer is back, and nothing can be done to save her. But for a while, while it was awful, it was incomprehendable. Now, seeing her lying in bed, so fragile and hardly even there, it has destroyed me. My eyes keep welling up with tears and even as I write this I want to scream and cry at the world.

My heart is breaking for my mum. I think in these last 3 years, since her diagnosis, I always thought she would get better. I knew it would be a tough time, but I thought we would all get through it. And for it all to have to end like this, I just don't even know what to do anymore. I wish a miracle would happen. I wish she would wake up and miraculously everything could be fine. I miss her so so so much, and she isn't even gone yet. I just don't know how to keep going. A year from now, 10 years from now. I just don't see it being any better.

  • Hi Jess.

    I'm going through the same with my Mum.

    I feel the same as you... I envy people who are out Christmas shopping with their mum's. Mine is is hospital sick. I get angry when I see people taking theirs for granted. I can't cope without mine. 

    She's only mid 50s which isn't old. 


    I just want to send you love and know you aren't alone. Keep strong. We can do this xxxx


  • i was told my dad had a brain tumour in august 2017 and last week he passed away how does this happen so quickly im struggling to understand, im blanking it all out as its happened so fast i saw him in june and he was abit confused and reapeated himself alot but doctors put it down to dementia then when he was diognosed i guess it was to late i have dads funeral was  on wednesday 6th dec and it so  hit me hard any help would be great just to chat, i have good and bad days it happened to quick.

  • My dad was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer on the 22nd Novemeber and passed away the 8th December. No real obvious sign prior. He nevet made it to a hospice.It happened so quickly. It was only 5 weeks ago I was calling him on the way home from work having a chat. He was so brave and strong and he too held on for as long as he could.It's so hard I wake in a morning thinking how did it happen so fast and that I won't speak to him ever again, see a message or his daft emoji. My dad was my best friend and I feel totally lost without him.He was only 64, he won't see our new baby in April or me get married. Obviously we were told it was palliative but I didn't realise how quick he would deteriorate. I too feel robbed and bitter but I know he is watching over me and is still with me. It will take time I found talking to my dad and telling how much he meant to me, my grandson and partner helped and I know he was listening even when in that sleeping state. Remain strong for your mum as that will keep you going. I have cried numerous times a day since finding out and since he left but thats normal.Everyone tells me it will get better over time which right now I don't believe. I can defintley feel your pain and can understand the emotions your are going through. 

  • Jess I can fully understand what your saying I really can, My world was turned upside down last Sunday when I suddenly lost my beautiful wife. Many people have said its not long since I lost her but I'll be honest with you & everyone else on here I'm not coping very well, I just feel so lost & I can't see that changing any time soon, My heart goes out to you at this difficult time, Pete 

  • Hello Jess. I have just experienced the same with my Dad. He died in the early hours of Friday morning. The pain I feel at his loss is unbearable. He was not responsive for the last few days. To watch him suffering  and be unable to help was more than we could bear. I feel so sad for you. xxxx

  • I sympathise.... My dad has stomach cancer.... He seemed to be getting better but recently taken a turn for the worse..... Been told today hospital bed arriving tomorrow for him at home and a driver put in to give him his pain relief and anti sickness..... It's awful seeing him in pain so I'll. He was always a strong man both physically and mentally... I'm struggling to cope to be honest... I want to cry and shout and scream too... I want to run away.....


    i hate ate cancer and what it does to people...... 


    Im going to speak to the McMillan nurses tomorrow to see what is going on...... 


    My my thoughts go out to you and your family xx

  • My mum is only 48.. and I can't stop thinking about what we should be doing now with her, and what she should've been here for... just so unfair. I'm sorry any of us have to go through this.

    Thank you x


  • So sorry to hear! Carry him in your heart and he will be there for your baby and your wedding x

  • My dad too is going to lose his wife now and that is also destroying me. I'm so sorry to hear about your wife x I know for me, my mum isn't even gone yet, and I am grieving her. And it's not going to get better any time soon either. Sometimes I wonder how I'm going to keep going.