Is she lying about her mum's cancer diagnosis?

My friends mum has cancer (idk what type) and my friend then tried to OD on some tablets but someone caught her and she was saying she was never going to take them. She also try’s to self harm and tells lots of people. The other day she told me and her cousin and her cousin was devastate as I was - but I had a friend before that lied about cancer and now idk if I should believe her because she has lied in the past just to gain attention I don’t want to think like that but I don’t want to be gullible and idk what to do...

  • Hmm, touchy subject so be sympathetic and definitely don't throw out any accusations just in case. The truth will come out eventually either way. But I guess the matter of whether your friend tells lies or not is irrelivant. It sounds like she's feeling quite unhappy and just wants to feel supported.

  • No her mum has cancer... I just don’t want her to lie about it because it’s not something you should lie about but how do I know she’s lying?

  • Hi its a difficult one its like the boy that cried wolf all i can suggest is you say nothing and go along with it .if you said something ands she does have cancer then your not going to be thought of well but the most important thing for yourself is the guilt you will feel if its a lie it will not realy effect you ive known people that literally get addicted to sympathy and need it like a drug i knew someone like that very close and it was never ending nearly drove me mad i couldnt say anything for fear it was right but in my case i was married to her not now thank goodness so for your own consionce go along with it till it comes out eventualy ya or nay regards 

  • Welcome to the forum Sunflowerchild although I'm sorry for the reason you've joined us.

    I can see you've got a few replies about this already but I just wanted to let you know that there is some good advice just here if you're worried about your friend self harming. You can always have a chat with the Samaritans about this as well on 116 123. They're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so don't be afraid of getting in touch as they are there to listen and will do all that they can to help.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator