Is no News good news?

I had a Colonoscopy  on the 11th of May 5 biopsy's were taken and were put through as urgent. 

It has now been 4 weeks and I still havent recieved any results, I have tried calling the secretary and have left messages but had no response. 

I'm only 21 so I am hopeful its nothing serious, however I still wanted feedback on my results. 

has anyone else ever waited this long for urgent biopsy results? and is no news considered good news? 

any responses will be appreciated 

thank you 


  • Hi Beth,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read you've had such a wait for results - I know the waiting and uncertainty is difficult.

    It's best not to read into what the waiting time does or doesn't mean, but it's worth calling the department to double check, so do keep trying and hopefully you'll be able to get an answer from them soon. Make sure you explain that it was an urgent referral and that you've been waiting a while now.

    I hope you're able to get your results soon. Do keep us posted if you would like to, and I hope you find this forum useful.

    Wishing you all the best,


    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi 13, you've picked a good number,. Have you tried your gp some time letters go there first, which ever you want to keep on at them, time doesn't mean anything quick or slow results are still the same, keep calling them, Billy

    P.s sometimes notes go missing, keep pushing them,