Is it time for HRT?

It's now 16days since my op for ovarian cancer, had ovaries and Fallopian tubes and endometriosis diseased tissue removed. ( hysterectomy, incl cervix, was 8years ago).


A couple days I began feeling,  best I can describe,  baby blues.  Since I feel overemotional in that anything is making me tearful. 


Is it time to go see about the HRT or maybe wait a bit longer? 

  • Hi Angel, 

    I see it's been almost 20 days since your operation for ovarian cancer. I hope your physical recovery is going well so far although I'm sorry to see that in the last couple days it seems to have had an impact on your emotional well being.

    Only you can make this decision but if you feel like these feelings are impacting on your day to day life then maybe you could book an appointment with your GP and see what they say.

    Hopefully other members will be along to offer their support and advice but if you would like to chat to someone about this do feel free to give our cancer nurses a call when they return after the Easter break. They'll be available from Tuesday onwards between 9a.m - 5p.m on 0808 800 4040.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks Steph I appreciate that.

    I'm going to see GP as a couple odd things have started and I have no idea what to expect in all honesty post surgery.  

    Emotions are all over the place, I have new pains and I'm just exhausted. 

    But I'm here so I have to be grateful. X