Is anyone itchy?

Hi there all

ive been in this site for less than a year now and the reason for coming on was that I was diagnosed with throat cancer. I am now 7 months most radiation and chemo ..... I did not need any surgery to take the nodes out.

now if you have not actually been diagnosed with cancer then please don't read this and think you does not work that way.

anyway the point of my question is that over the many people that I have spoken to there appears to be some that have had similar symptoms to myself ... Long before any cancerous impacts were know off


About 6 months before I was diagnosed with cancer my skin itched like hell, it was all over but primarily started around my feet. I was eventually diagnosed with erticaria demography (skin writing disease), basically I could run my finger nail across my skin and it would leave a red itchy line. It's easily controlled with the use of an antihystamine

i have have now read a few stories where people have has neck lumps but have started to itch all over and just wondered if there was anything in it

Personnally i put the itching down to the fact my body was in the infancy of trying to fight off the cancer and was a stress symptom of the fight. I still have some itching 7 months post treatment but it's no where near as bad as it was

thoughts anyone?

can I stress that there is no known link between itching and cancer so don't start reading this then feeling itchy (opps there you go feeling itchy already) and think you have cancer.....not the case