Irregular and prolonged bleeding

Hello! I need some advice!

I am 30 and had a baby 2.5years ago. Since the birth of my daughter, my periods have been all over the place, prior to being pregnant, periods were never a concern.

my periods returned after 8 months of baby being born due to breastfeeding, I was put on the progesterone only pill and things seemed ok for a while.

for around the last year, I couldn't tell you when my cycle is, it appears randomly, isn't usually heavy but is daily light bleeding and prolonged (this occasion I have been bleeding for 21 days so far)

about a year ago I had a blood test and was advised the ca125 levels were "abnormal" from there, on 2 seperate occasions I've had 2 internal and external scans of bladder, cervix, ovaries, womb etc, both completely clear.

ive contacted my doctor again about the random and persistent bleeding and been told there's nothing more they can do but to change my prescription to a combined pill , which we have done. I just can't help feeling that something isn't right, this wasn't normal for me pre baby and it's been 2.5 years, surely things should be settled?!

should I push for further investigation? Or just allow time for the new prescription to potentially work?

  • Hello Pb2021

    I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with some concerns around your menstrual cycle at the moment. It's understandable that you're feeling concerned. 

    It's reassuring that your scans haven't raised any concerns but obviously, that doesn't resolve things for you. Hopefully, this new medication will help things to settle but if it doesn't, and you're still worried, then get back in touch with your GP. If you are not happy with the GP's response then you could always ask for a second opinion from another Dr at the surgery. 

    I do hope that things improve for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator