Introduce yourself on Cancer Chat

Hello everyone

Today marks a year since we launched the new Cancer Chat, how time flies! In the last 12 months we've shared our stories, laughed and cried and become a real community so I thought it was about time that  we introduced ourselves to you properly.

I'm Sarah and I'm the Cancer Chat manager. I have managed other online communities before coming to Cancer Research UK and am a cancer survivor myself. I went through my treatment in 2009, and so I know how helpful and supportive Cancer Chat can be from personal experience.

There are three moderators who work with me, Renata, Jane and Lucie. All three moderators juggle their Cancer Chat duties with their roles as busy mums and work different shifts throughout the week to ensure that Cancer Chat is appropriately moderated. They help direct members to appropriate information on our main Cancer Research UK website and liaise closely with the specialist nurse team to help answer questions or offer support. Above all, they ensure that Cancer Chat is a safe, secure and welcoming place where anyone affected by cancer can come and ask questions, share experiences and meet people who are also affected by cancer.

We thought it would be fun to tell you a few interesting facts and also share our new avatars which you'll be seeing whenever we are online.

Sarah - is a 70s music addict

Renata - is a mad George Michael fan

Jane -  is a journalist

Lucie - is French

Now it's your turn! We'd love to know more about you, so we've set up this new topic area where you can introduce yourselves and say hello to new members. Don't forget everything is public so don't disclose anything too personal!!

Best Wishes


  • Hi i am comirng to terms with my mum has a brain tuomuor . In a matter of a few weeks her memory is fading she is very confussed and unable to be by herself. My sister and I agreed with mum a nursing home was the only option,where she can be looked after. We would like to know how worse does this get what will the end be like and how an we help her. Thanks,feeling desperate.

  • Hi Sarah,

    Blimey...where did the last year go? Has it really been that long since we got this new lovely updated version!

    Great idea for a thread

    I'm Dizzie on here (Carole in real life) -

    Diagnosed with Stage 3 rectal cancer in April 2010. Had months of treatment followed by radical surgery and ended up with a permanent colostomy. Just recently I've now been diagnosed with Spinal mets...sigh....but I'm still here so far.

    Still hoping to be able to help new members feel a little less scared about their diagnosis, a little less apprehensive about tests etc and still maintaining my friendships with so many on this site as often as I can.

    Over the past year I've felt the loss of both David and Rose who both became very close friends...I've celebrated the news of Shents and others who have been given the NED status....I've been kept sane by this place and I hope that once in a while I've made it easier for someone else too.

    I'm married, mum to two lovely boys and a nice enough (LOL) husband (I'm joking of course, he's wonderful)......I'm surrounded by support from family and friends - yet still needed this bolt hole to run to

    That's a little about me - more can be found here:

                   Waiting on further results now - Cancer Chat - Cancer Research UK

  • Hello Moderators! What a lovely idea to introduce yourselves and your avatars. Thank you for running such as excellent service!

    Me? I'm a part time philosopher and all round busy body trying to stitch myself armour against a variety of bodily malfunctions and weave a safety net of words in case that fails.

    I live alone and make the best trifle ever. Fact.


  • Well Angel, looks like we'll be calling on you to make the trifle for the 'virtual' Xmas party here on Cancer Chat

  • Thanks Dizzie and thank you for your ongoing support of Cancer Chat and everyone who posts

  • Dear M.HEALY-9

    I'm so sorry to hear of your difficult situation. Unfortunately I can't offer any advice myself. It might be a good idea to start this discussion in one of the other sections of Cancer Chat (Coping with Cancer, General Cancer Discussions  etc- whatever seems closest to what you want to talk about) and put a new titles on it so readers see straight away what it's about. Hopefully that way what you've asked will get noticed by someone who can answer your questions.

    Good wishes to you and your family


  • Hi,I'm Lou, first timer to your site and first timer for breast cancer. Had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy last week, all went well for first three days but now feel so sore and bruised. I'm surrounded by men folk in my family so hard to explain as you can imagine. Anybody else feel worse as the week drags on. People tell me I should be up and running by now but unfortunately that's not the case. Anybody else had the same problems ? Would love to hear from someone whose been there, got the t shirt, and now running around in it !

  • Hi Lou,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat

    I think you'll find this link below helpful - 86 pages of first hand advice and experience from a lovely bunch of ladies who yes, have been there and worn / wearing the t-shirt.

    Pop over there and introduce yourself. I just know that you'll receive excellent help and support from them.

    hi i too would like to talk about... - Cancer Chat - Cancer Research UK

    Dizzie x

  • Hi

    I'm mum123 - stupid name i know wasn't thinking straight when i first came on this site having just had a Stage 3 bowel cancer diagnosis. Real name Stef, mum to 4 grown up kids and 2 beautiful grandchildren also got a cat, 3 dogs - oh yes and a husband LOL  he's been  my rock over the past 5 months. Had intensive radio / chemo and go in hospital for my op and permanent colostomy on monday 14th .

    The people I have met on this site has been so supportive and I have made lots of  virtual friends

    Thanks to all who have supported me over the past months and i hope i can do the same for others on the site

    hugs and good vibes

    stef x

  • Morning All.

    Since my partner was diagnosed with breast cancer I have been jumping up and down about the disease. I campaign to MPs, ran the London Marathon this year and get up to all kinds of things in the name of trying to find a cure. I am involved with awareness and trying to get men to understand that they can also get breast cancer. in 2008 69 men lost their lives to breast cancer and 70 to testicular cancer (CRUK UK Figures) Everyone knows about testicular cancer! about 2000 men are diagnosed against 300 for breast cancer, but just look at the deaths! Better awareness about testicular cancer has improved survival rates and this has to be congratulated. We must get better awareness about breast cancer in women and men. Awareness means more than running around in a pink tutu and bunny ears! It means encouraging friends and family to check, take up screening invites and for the over 70s to ask for a scan. They are entitled to scans every 3 years, but have to ask. Make sure your friends and family over 70 ASK for an appointment.

    Anyway, thats's me!

    This Cancer Chat is a brilliant platform to get views out and the moderators are unbelievably tolerant of some of the "odd" views, also linking up with like-minded folk and seeking comfort. Long may it continue.
