Inflammatory breast cancer not responding to EC chemo

Hi all wanting to pick your brains.

I was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer early July started EC chemo end of Julh with plan of 4 cycles EC followed by 4 cycles PTD.

After the first cycle I noticed my breast getting bigger and more swelling in armpit consultant has arranged for MRI and review in the time before chemo 3.  She says she is thinking the cancer may be more aggressive than thought and may need to go straight to PTD.

I am completely freaking out.  How common is this?   What does it mean to my chances of cure?  I am 51 with two teenagers I am so scared.  

Does this mean the cancer has had weeks unchecked to spread - CT in July had showed no spread but how reliable is that?  

Any insights would be so appreciated.  

  • Hi Smallfish, 

    I'm sorry to hear that you've noticed this increased swelling since your first treatment. It sounds as if your Consultant is being proactive in ordering additional tests and discussing possible changes to your treatment. It's always difficult when waiting for test results and when a curve ball is thrown it can of course lead to even more unsettling feelings. Try to keep in mind at the moment that she has only said she "thinks"  that things may not be as they initially thought. 

    Do you know when your MRI is booked for? Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for the appointment with the Consultant afterwards. I wonder in the meantime if you might find it helpful to chat things through with one of our team of nurses. They are available on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) and will be back in the office after the bank holiday. 

    Keep in touch Smallfish and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator