Inflammatory breast cancer? Freaking out and scared.

I had a lump in my breast last year and I went in Nov 2021 and had an ultrasound. They said it was just a node and all ok. Anyway since Dec 21 I've had pain between breast and armpit. Then the last week I've had the worse rib pain on the side of my breast (left) stabbing and burning and today it comes up with a rash. I thought shingles but then the rash went so now I'm scared it's inflammatory breast cancer as it says online the rash can come and go. I'm going to try and get to the docs first thing. Has anyone experience this? I'm so scared. 

  • Hello Redbootz, 

    I hope that you will hear from other members of our forum who have had experience of this and that they will be along soon to share their story with you. You're right to try and talk to the doctor as soon as you can about this. They will be in the best position to tell you what it is and whether you need to be referred to the breast clinic. It's normal to be scared but often looking things up online will only bring the worst possible cases and make you worry even more. So try and stay away from Dr Google as it won't really know what your rash is and only an expert will be able to assess the situation properly. 

    I hope you manage to talk to a doctor soon about this and that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Redboots, any update? I have a red rash around one boob and I'm so scared! Hope you are doing well x