In November 11th it is my husbands memory

How do I get through my husbands first memory my children want to go for meal a want to be on my own but don’t want to hurt my wonderful children and granddaughter lv annie

  • its hard i have my dads first birthday coming up since he passed and i dont know what to do but i feel i need to do something but not sure what. I think till the day you wont know how you are feeling and if you feel going out as a family might help you then do it but they should repect your wishes to if you just want some alone time as we all might not want to do the same things and we all deal with things differently. I know your worried about hurting them but hopefully they understand what ever you decide to do

  • Thankyou Tasha I will see how I feel lv annie x

  • Hi Annie

    So sorry for the loss of your husband, I can't imagine how you're feeling. 

    I lost my mum 21st August, her birthday is coming up, 2nd October, and my dad wants everybody to go out for a meal. I can literally think of nothing worse, like we're out having a meal for mum and she's not even there. What's the point I thought. But I can see why my dad wants to do it, get the family all together again, life goes on etc.  

    You're family will understand if you don't go, it's your choice. But I hope you do go, even just for your granddaughter. Every kid enjoys going out with their Nanna :happy: x


  • Hiya anon after I read your message I’m going to go life does goes on and it would make it special if were all together especially for my granddaughter lv annie x