In my 70’s and recently diagnosed with TNBC

I have had surgery and radiotherapy, can not have chemotherapy due to heart issues. My Oncologist wants to try Accord Letrozone in the hope it may help me. I appear to have very few options available, does anyone else have any experience of a similar situation. The side effects of Letrozone seem quite severe and the benefit of taking this medication is not clear. I have a meeting next week with my Oncologist to discuss how we move forward. Any advice, based on experience would be very welcome.

  • Hello, 

    yes, when reading the side effects of these meds I had them all! ( and that was before I even took them)  although I'm not tnbc I take accord's very similar to letrezole.....and I have to say ( fingers crossed..) I'm doing ok....

    good if you need to chat x