I'm terrified

So this is my first time writing on this site but I'm driving myself mad I'm not sure if I've got the right section but I tried haha. About a month ago I caught the flu which landed me in the hospital, but I haven't got better from it if anything I'm getting worse. The doctors have done blood tests and they've all came back clear. Over the past couple of weeks I've been getting tired like to the point where ill just fall asleep, I can barely leave the house because of it . I ache all over, and I've found a lump in my neck which is getting bigger and bigger every week, it dosent hurt but I fear that's what's causing my arm to ache, I have also found another on the other side which is slightly smaller but is rock hard. I have this constant itch all over my body I'm itching so hard that I'm cutting my skin and making myself bleed, although the itching is mostly at night. Also I've been getting night sweats not every night but when I do have them I completely soak through my pjammas. I've googled my symptoms and lymphoma comes up alot. I've to go back to the doctors on Tuesday but I don't want to tell him what I think it is incase he thinks I'm a hypochondriac, I'm only 23, when you where diagnosed what where you're symptoms?. Thank you so much in advance 

  • Hello Milo,

    You sound like you are very unwell right now but you are going to go to the doctors and tell them everything about your new symptoms in the last days and put yourself back in their hands and you will be treated. You don’t need to say what your fears are. Leave that to them and let them find out what is wrong. They will and as long as they are taking steps to do so, trust them. It might well not be what you think it is but that’s irrelevant right now. Just go for finding out.

    When you feel ill, don’t know what’s wrong with you and fear it is something serious, that is the worst time. After that you start to get information, care and treatment and you feel better. Just take a deep breath and get through this time doing all you can to help yourself get treated. 

    7 weeks ago I had flu, having been really well for ages, but I didn’t get better and a large tumour was soon discovered in my left lung. Right now I am in my hospital bed having had my lung removed 2 days ago to try to cure me. It may or may not work but there might be other treatment that willl help and I know what’s wrong and have done and will continue to do what ever is possible to sort it with the help of my doctors. It feels way way better than it did when I felt so ill with odd scary symptoms a few weeks ago.

    My heart goes out to you because where you are now is frightening and you are way to young to have to endure this . But you will endure it and you will bet better. You might not have a serious illness at all so finding out is a first positive step.

    Sending you the very best wishes I can muster.

    Joy x