I’m struggling to deal with my fathers bowel/urine movements

my father was recently diagnosed with metastatic brain cancer (primary tumour in his lung) he has less than three months to live and wanted to die at home. He’s now home but having to deal with helping him have bowel movements (he has to be lifted onto a bedpan as he is an amputee) and having to physically place his penis into a cardboard urine bottle then clean it is stressing me so much! My brother has done it up to now but I’m expected to do it tonight as I’m on night duty with him. It makes me want to cry. I did it for mum but woman to woman is different. I’m so stressed. 

  • Sorry your having such a tough time. I always thought I'd cope looking after my sick parents but sometimes it gets to much. Really hope you managed OK and have got some extra support xx

  • Hiya, my dad wanted to die at home too & I did have to help him with things but if you let your local hospice know whats going on they can offer round the clock care. They put my dad in adult nappies- which is heart breaking to see- but the moment they need changing you can call the hospices nurses and they will come and change the nappy and make sure the bed/person are all clean. The nurses even offered to just be there over night with me for support or to help out. They will give your dad all the pallative care he would have had in the hospice... they really do make everything so much easier xxx