I'm scared

I been diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma today and I'm scared I can't cope

  • Hi.

    I am going thru tests at mo.xray and ct scan last monday.got appoitment on tuesday for my results.


    All the best.


  • Hi Nigel1408,

    I know how you are feeling as I am a Stage 3 melanoma patient - it's very scary and you feel like you are drowning but you will cope & it will get easier to deal with as time goes by. At the moment you are in limbo & have no control over your life and body but once a treatment plan has been put in place & you learn more you will take back some control and it will feel more manageable.

    I have been a Stage 3 patient for 10 years so I've been through (and still go through) the emotional rollercoaster that you are on. The good thing is that there are now more treatment options than there were a few years ago - for me it was surgery & check ups, nothing more. Now there is adjuvant drug therapy to help stop the melanoma recurring or spreading so you have extra ammunition in your arsenal. These treatments are showing great promise so don't despair.

    I will send you a friend request so that, should you accept it, I can send you more information through a private message.

    You are in shock but the next few days will bring clarity and the fog will start to clear so that you can start whichever treatment your team has planned. If I can be of any help with anything, please ask. Good luck,


  • Hi.

    Thank you so much.keep everything crossed for me xx