I'm falling apart a little

Last year I lost my dad after he had lung cancer surgery as he suffered from a stroke after it. Now my mum's got cancer to and it's not looking good from what she's told me. I'm trying to stay strong and I feel selfish for being so sad when I can't even begin to imagine how she must feel. I feel like I've got this big brick in my stomach weighing me down and a constant lump in my front. I'm 22 and my mum's my rock and I would be so so so lost without her I don't know how to live without her and she's my bestest friend. I live at home with her with my one year old son and it breaks my heart that she might not see him grow up because he loves her so much. I feel angry that God decided to take my dad and now he may take my mum too. I'm trying to hold it together but I feel like I can't breathe properly and when I'm alone it's all that's on my mind.

  • Hi

    Unfortunately I know how you are feeling, I lost my Dad when I was 16 to bowel cancer now 17 years later my mum has just been diagnosed with the same, she starts chemotherapy next week, it's heart breaking but we have to somehow find strength.

    Have you got anyone you can talk to work, siblings, other family members, you need to be able to off load yourself? Has your mum been told what treatment she will have?

    I also have a 1 year old son and I'm finding him a positive distraction, I've got to stay strong and upbeat for him aswell as my mum. Try and fill your time making memories and having days out with your son and mum.

    Much love xxx