If you are same as me Cheers

I am searching through this forum to find someone  similar to my symptoms with the hope that maybe we can help each other :)

I am 39 years old and diagnosed with breast cancer 1 year ago. After finishing the 6  Chemios and 16 times radio therapies, the good news was no invasive mass or any sign of tissue distortion is seen in my breast.My breast cancer had spread beyond the breast — to the left hip bones and lung. Now my hip ,knee and whole leg bones are in pain.Dr said after radiotherapy my hip bone shape was changed and one leg become shorter than the other I  am limping when I  am walking and my left leg become sometimes like dry wood with extreme weakness or numbness.I am not even able to put on my left socks  and during of the night I wake up plenty of times.Is there any body here with same symptoms in this forum?

  • Hello YasS,

    As I noticed this is your first time with us I just wanted to stop by to welcome you to our forum.

    I'm sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and that now, after the treatment, you are experiencing so much pain.

    There are others here who have been through a similar experience and I hope that you will hear from them soon, until then though if you feel that speaking to someone medically trained might help, just give our cancer nurses a call and ask any question you may have. Their lines are open Monday - Friday between 9 a.m - 5 p.m on 0808 800 4040.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator