I thought I must have passsed menopause, then this happens

Hi Everyone! I just visited this site to find out how long it was normal to bleed after an endometrial biopsy and decided to sign up. I had the biopsies taken 3 days ago and I have period-type pain and bleeding, but having read posts here, I now know that's normal and could go on a few more days. The funny thing is that I went to my GP originally as I had spotting though I haven't had a period in about eight years, so I assumed I was post-menopausal. I read that I should get it checked out because it could be a sign of uterine cancer. Having had various types of ultrasound scans, more spotting, etc, it turns out that I'm currently going through menopause. This is probably because I had Zoladex injections for many years to control endometriosis, and when I stopped having those I got DCIS ( pre-cancer in my breast) and was put on Tamoxifen for five years. My hormones had been suppressed by these medications for so long that my periods stopped even without them. Here I am at 52, suddenly having what very much resembles a period for the first time in years! But the good news is that the gynaecologist says it is highly unlikely that I have uterine cancer, as my womb lining was only 2-3 mm thick, and the biopsies were just to triple check. :happy:


  • Hi JDH,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm glad to hear the forum has been useful for you so far. It's good to hear you've had various tests to determine what's going on and that the specialist doesn't seem too concerned.

    I hope it's not too long for you to wait now for the results.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you, Ben.

    I have a lot going on at the moment and it would be great to have some good news on one thing at least. It's wonderful that a forum like this exists - on which to check things out and chat with others too. Thank you for the welcome and for being there.

    Best wishes,
