I think I isolated myself

Im a recovering cancer patient. But have lost confidence about talking to people. Would just like some people to talk to. How do normal people  make new friends ?

I was diagnosed when I had started uni, I moved to whales to do so and left the little social group I had from college behind. I only talked to one person continuously but they are rather busy. I had to stop uni and move back in with my mum. During treatment I have unintentionally made family members look at me differently and I think this makes it hard for them to deal with me. Seeing as how they never got on with my mum they dont make an effort to me either. I cant do anything at the moment so I have no where to form a new social group. Is it wierd to start off with a post saying I'm lonely?

  • Hi there

    no its not weird and am sorry you feel so isolated and alone. I also understand how difficult it is to make new friends if you are not out much.
    So a few suggestions in that are there any volunteer groups locally that you might be interested in as by default you would then form an interest and start to make new friends along the way.
    If that is not possible to get out and about with volunteering and you are restricted to home, then dont give up.

    For a start, you can come on here and chat away and start a post under living with cancer with a loneliness heading and Im sure a few would respond and *** away. I would be one of them.
    Dosnt always have to be about cancer all the time and general chat is fine as well.
    Im not on social media myself so not best placed to advise, but what about facebook/twitter etc are there not safe outlets there
    Above is just my opinion and let me know what avenues are availble to you, but maybe baby steps and start on here to build confidence again is one step forward.

    kind reagrds


  • Hi there little stitches ...

    Welcome to our little chat room where you can talk about anything you want to get off your chest ...

    One thing I would add to that great advice from anchor is, I found we all change a little once we get this cancer diagnosis  .... life never seems to get back to "before cancer" it's just finding a new normal ... is your mum close by ... when my mum was here, she filled my world, and having a good mum can be the best friend we get in life ...

    I look at everything differently now, I always loved life but now I take every day and try to find something to smile about .. so in a way, cancer helped me see that ... I agree, with anchor ... there's so many charities out there needing help .. and your expierance will be so needed ... even on here there's young ones like yourself, that chat to us older ones but so need to chat to someone younger, esp those newly diagnosed ... you are much needed here ... as you know it's a really scary place to be ...

    You'll always find someone to chat to on here ... there's a young lass I write to on here Bex ... I'll message her and ask her to pop by ... she comes on every few days .. and she has helped so many young ones too .. she's been on this journey too and lost loved ones to cancer ...

    So I'm sending you a vertual hug .. don't look down, look up at the stars ... you will find a way forward ... just give it time ... and know wer here for you ...   Chrissie

  • Hey little stitches, 

    It’s not weird at all to post about feeling lonely, we talk about anything and everything on here and there is always someone that can help or at least understand. I am sorry you are feeling so lonely and isolated but you are not alone, so was I for a long while until I found this chat room and then slowly started to reach out to some friends I felt I could trust. Feeling lonely is one of the worst feelings in the world, it’s sad that you had to leave your friend group behind and making new ones can be hard but you will never have to feel alone as long as you are on here. We are always around to help you, chat, listen whatever you need. I do agree with Chrissie and Anchor volunteering is a really great thing to do and you would meet lovely new people and create more relationships, I am thinking of doing volunteering myself soon. 

    Cancer does change people and this might be hard for some of your family to understand and it’s such a shame you don’t really see them anymore but your mum could be such a support for you. I don’t know what I’d do without mine, she is my best friend and has been there with me through this as much as she can. Cancer is a devastatingly hard and lonely journey but I assure you, you are not alone. We are always here for you, and I bet your mum would be so helpful if you told her how you feel. They say talking to your mum actually reduces anxiety! 

    I really do wish you all the best, and if you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to come to us, 
