I postponed returning to work


I’m feeling a bit guilty at the moment as I was meant to go back to work yesterday but had a wobble and am now working from home for another week.

i had a lumpectomy on the 31st May, I took 3 weeks off sick and then worked from home for the rest of the term (I work in a secondary school). 

So through the summer holidays I had 15 sessions of radiotherapy which all went ok, few problems with my scars and an infection but all ok now.

I told work I would be back yesterday but Sunday night had a complete wobble and said I couldn’t face it.

I’m not sure what I’m worried about, I have an amazing line manager who is very supportive but my head is all over the place. I worry that other colleagues will think I’m having too long off but mentally I just don’t feel quite ready. 

Just wanted to get that off my chest.

Thanks for reading x

  • I have never heard any criticism at all at work when people have been off  with serious conditions, physical or mental, even if 6 months or so, only concern.  And I have worked with some very critical people and terrible managers.  

    Work at home guilt free for the rest of the week, and ease yourself back in, as you are doing.  People disappear for substantial periods on maternity, paternity and sabbatical leave nowadays by choice and all carries on OK at work.  We don't choose to be ill.


  • Hi Ploppy, 

    I’m going through this exact same problem. I’m due back soon but I can’t face it, I don’t know why. I haven’t started my Hormone tablets yet and I just don’t know how they will affect me. It could all be fine or it could be a nightmare!

    I totally get where you are coming from thinking that you think colleagues/ friends etc think you’re taking too long. I had a ‘friend’ say to me last night well you’re all better now, this is because in their eyes I no longer have the breast and the cancer hasn’t spread! because it’s that easy, managing a significant change to your body, still aching and sore every minute of the day and getting no sleep and fearful for what is going to happen next. But no apparently I’m all better so I should be back in work. This hurt beyond words and cut so deep because it makes me feel like a fraud, that yes I should be back at work because I don’t have cancer in my body. I don’t like moaning, I have always had a high pain threshold and despite sometimes quite crippling depression I’ve just tried to crack on but now I feel stuck fast and guilty for not  feeling ready to go back. Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Hi ploppy could you do a phased return to work were maybe you do half a day for a week to get you usto return some places do that even though you've finished treatment you'll still be stressed out you'll still be worried about things, good luck and best wishes... Billy 

  • Hi ploppy have you got anything sorted about returning to work it's been a week. Best wishes.. Billy 

  • Hi Billy 

    I’m going back into the office tomorrow and my boss has said just take it day by day and see how it goes, I can’t ask for more than that. Bit apprehensive but hopefully feel better once I get in there.

    Thanks for your message x

  • Hi ploppy well good luck hope it goes OK, best wishes.. Billy