I need help understanding what it all means....

Hello all

so I had my colposcopy today following abnormal (high grade) cells found in my smear (I hadn't had one for 11 years which I know is so stupid!) I also have very watery discharge that is now tinged pink and pelvic pain 

the nurse talked me through the lletz procedure before hand just in case they did it there and then but once the consultant looked he said he would Not be looking to do that. He took 3 biopsy's and I bled a lot I was there for what seemed like forever because he couldn't stop the bleeding :( 

afterwards he said he had found a mass and that he was booking me in for an MRI straight away so that it was quicker than just waiting for the biopsy results. He didn't say it could be a cyst or anything like that... 

although the nurses and doctor were so so lovely (god bless the NHS) No one told me it was nothing to worry about, he just said that following this he would have a meeting and then see how best to proceed with the next steps and be in touch with me soon. He told me they would look after me and wished me luck.

Do I have cancer? I feel like this is what was said without it actually being said :( or am I over reacting a bit? 

I don't know if I should be telling my family what's happening of if I am worrying them unnecessarily... if anyone has been in a similar situation it would be such a huge help to know what to expect next.

thanks x 

  • Did they take biopsies from your cervix or womb, they might of took from both it sounds like they are checking to see if there are any cancer cells. When they did my biopsy they did not really tell me anything either, they kept there suspicions to themselves. I hope you will get your MRI really soon and some answers, the waiting and not knowing is the really hard part, take one day at a time, concentrating on anything is the hardest part I found. If you need to chat anytime, feel free.

  • Hello and Thanks for replying


    They took biopsy of the mass that is on the neck of my cervix. 

    it was the ordering of MRI before waiting for the results that freaked me out the most I think because the doctor even said that's not usually done and then the fact that no one discussed that it could be nothing to worry about. 

    Sorry to hear you are going through this as well x

  • Yes they are not very good with giving you information, which is why I was shocked to learn I have Grade 2 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma (womb cancer) and I'm waiting for a hysterectomy.  But due to covid it's being delayed. They are treating me with hormone therapy to buy time, I have a phone consultation tomorrow, I'm hoping they are going to have more information on how long I've to wait.

    They sound like they are moving quick, as biopsy results are usually around 3 weeks, but depending on where you live some people are waiting longer for results, due to the covid situation.

    A mass on the cervix can be benign, or noncancerous, growths, such as polyps or cysts. In some cases, however, they may indicate the presence of cervical cancer. They usually have a good idea what they are looking at, depending on how it looks and how big it is.

    The meeting they refer too will probably be a Multidisciplinary Team Meeting this is a meeting of the group of professionals from one or more clinical disciplines who together make decisions regarding recommended treatment of individuals. Multidisciplinary Teams. may specialise in certain conditions, such as Cancer.

    I don't think you are worrying unnecessarily, you could tell your family, its entirely your choice. Some people prefer to tell them to prepare them, some perfer to wait until they know for definate, as they dont want to worry them.

  • Thank you so much for all the detail it helps so much!! 

    I spoke to my children about what was happening without mentioning the C word for now. I think until I hear it I'm just going to take each day as it comes and try and stay positive whilst preparing for a fight! 

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis and good luck with your recovery