I miss my mum

My mum fought a very short battle with cancer she was misdiagnosed. So it didn’t get found until it was too late. She went into hospital and by the time they found out what it was (kidney cancer stage 4) she had a week and a half left and she was gone. It had spread every where. 

We had a fiery relationship as she had her issues I moved out when I was 18. I’m 32 now I got married 2 weeks after she died. She made me promise that the wedding would go ahead. I think for the 1st month from diagnosis to my wedding I was bouncing around in a bubble. Holding everything together for my mum, dad and my children. 

I cant seem to get through a day at the moment where I don’t cry or think about everything that has happened. It all still feels so surreal. It’s been 3 months now and I have started sorting out some of her things and it’s just so hard. I feel so guilty about our relationship, things we have both said to each other, going through her stuff. You just never expect this to happen. I can’t imagine my life without her. I can’t imagine my children growing up without her here. My son has a picture in his bedroom which he keeps by his bed. He turns it around when he goes to sleep because it makes him feel sad. I just feel so very lost at the moment. I don’t really talk to anybody about it. Because I find it difficult explain. I just thought I would try and write in this forum to see if it would help in some way. If you have got to the bottom of this thank you for taking the time to read. Take care x

  • Hello there . 

    I’m waiting diagnosis and rests myself and I’m a mum of a 28 yr old daughter and a 22year old son 

    I only want to live for them but as a mum what I know is all I want for them is peace and happiness and your mum would only want that for you too 

    I work as a psychiatric nurse and unfortunately we all have to go through the stages of grief to come out the other side and no magic pills help with that. Be kind to yourself , be the best mum you can be and make your mum proud. Take time out of each day to sit and think about all the happy times you had even just short exchanges and write them down. Don’t focus on cross words we all have these and the idyllic stuff on tv / books doesn’t exist . Chat anytime 

    L x 

  • Hi,

    Si sorry to hear about your mum and it sounds like it was a huge shock to you.

    My mum also died suddenly 3 months ago on the 14th june. I am completely and utterly lost without her. She lived with me and she helped bring up my 12 year old daughter.

    We just cannot believe our vibrant, happy and funny mum and nan has gone. I havent returned to work since she died and I cry every day numerous times. I think over and over about what happened and of little moans I used to have at her. I can't yet think of the good times and imagine that I will never smile or enjoy life again.

    I have no advice as such, just wanted to let you know that there are plenty of us on similar situations even though all around us are people who seem happy and have no problems.

    Cheryl x

  • Hi,

    i lost my mum suddenly in July too. Like you she was misdiagnosed and only lived 9 days after finally being diagnosed with kidney cancer.

    me and my mum were very close but often fell out because of similarities. She wasn’t easy all the time but she was a good mother!

    The first few weeks after her death went really quick because of all the funeral arrangements and I’ve just finished clearing her house but I find that whenever I’m not busy I can’t stop going round and round in circles feeling guilty about all the fights we had. Everyone I’ve spoken to just reminds me that I can’t blame myself for all the arguments. Mother’s and daughters fall out all the time ....

    I completely understand what you are going through. I’m 27and mum was 54. It just feels so unfair.