I may have Cervical cancer

I may have cervical cancer but don't know how bad yet waiting on results can anyone give me any advice on what to do while waiting for the dreaded results. I'm very scared. Anyone?  I'd juse like to chat to someone?  

Thank you

  • Hi Kaytie

    i just read your post have you had tests ?


  • Hi jayne 

    Yes I've had a colposcope,  biopsies,  and internal ultrasound. I had the colposcope 10 says ago that's when the gynecologist took the biopsy. After he said it was worrying so I'm presuming the worst but hoping for the best!  I only had ultrasound 2 days ago.  So now I'm just waiting. 

    What's your situation if you don't mind me asking?  

    Kaytie xx

  • Hi Kaytie,

    I know how you feel. I'm in the same boat at the moment. I went for a colposcopy on Tuesday. It couldn't be performed because my gynaecologist found a lesion on my cervix that is bleeding. I'm due an MRI on the 16th and due to go into hospital as a day case on 18th for a biopsy under general anaesthetic, then I have to wait up to 2 weeks for the result. 

    I'm not sleeping, my mood is up and down. I'm terrified to be honest. I'm finding that when I'm busy and my mind is occupied I'm ok. It's at night when I'm trying to sleep that my mind wanders. I have to keep reminding myself that it could still be ok. 

    It's a very scary time. Try to keep busy. I hope you don't have to wait too much longer for your results. Xx

  • Hi taylor125 

    Thanks for the post. Yes I know hun it's not nice at all but all I keep telling myself is there is no point In worrying as I cannot change or decide the outcome. What will be will be and I will fight it head on of its bad  news! My colposcopy was 10 days ago I wish they'd hurry up so I can get on with it as j do feel the outcome is going to be not so great. Expect the worst hope for the best! I hope your results cone back ok. Keep in touch. I'll let you know my results on e they are back . You take care and don't worry it's pointless !!


  • It's all the 'what ifs' that are scaring me. I just want to know where I'm at. I only found out on Tuesday and my gynaecologist is very concerned. She hopes she's over calling when she's arranged the MRI and cone biopsy but, I can't help thinking she's telling me it's cancer without actually saying it is. I know I'm probably reading too much into it but you can't help how you feel. I'm trying not to worry but that's easier said than done. I'll probably feel better when I've slept properly. 

    I hope your results come back ok too!!! Keep me posted on how you're getting on. It's been a comfort chatting with someone in the same situation. 

    Sending you positive vibes! Xx