I lost my dad last night

My dad has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer for one year and one month. By the time we forced him to go the doctors, it was already too late to do anything and was terminal.

He is the strongest man I know, with an iron rod will which kept him alive. 

4 weeks ago he went into a hospice and fought so hard, despite what everyone thought he carried on. Last night his breathing changed, mum called me from the hospice and I spoke to him over the phone on speaker. I told him about my day, I told him I loved him so much, I told him I would come and see him soon, that he must be tired so needs to try and rest. Then I said goodnight. He passed 30 monutes later but mum said he heard me because he tried to talk but couldn't. I had seen him that day and he tried to talk so much. 


There is so much more I can say about Thursday day and the loss of him last night. My husband says I went into shock but I think there is something wrong with me because today I feel like it is not real. Despite being with mum today and knowing he IS gone...Part of me really isn't accepting it. Genuinely just feel like I will see him in a few weeks and he will be battling on like he always does. I am not delusional because I know I won't but I really can't seem to process the reality of it AT ALL. 

I cried today when others got emotional and a fee times myself but I feel..I can't describe how I feel. 

Internet says denial but does it not mean I am just a broken person? I feel like I can't remember his voice or his eyes already, I have not told anyone bar two people and that is it. I have a sheer panic at the thought of friends etc knowing. The thought of all thr texts and messages makes me feel anxious, I don't want it, I don't want any of it.


Why is cancer so evil. Why did I know it before but I was so naive because it isn't just evil, its insidious and removes you piece by piece. Till your body can no longer fight it anymore, when it has tried SO hard to keep you alive but it is a battle it can't win


I am sorry for huge post and ramblings but I would rather talk to people like this than be surrounded by people. 


laura xx

  • I am so sorry to hear that, and I can’t say that I understand, because I don’t. If it helps, my grandmother died the same way of terminal cancer, and I was very close with her. Also, I myself am a cancer survivor. Just know that we are all here for you if you need anyone to talk to. I’m deeply sorry for your loss and my thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  • Laura,

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad, may he rest in peace. It will take time for everything to sink in, my dad has been gone 7 years. I think what you are experiencing is normal. I can't say it gets better but you will begin to accept it. My thoughts and prayers are with you. 

    Laura xx

  • there is no right or wrong way to feel, if you don't feel anything it doesn't matter, if you feel in shock or denial or sad or happy or anything at all it's ok. Don't worry, you can do or feel anything you want, just take each day an hour at a time. 

    When my mum died we had to call all her friends to tell them and i could barely say the words without crying. 

    Just be, and let whatever emotions come, come. Be kind to yourself 

  • I'm sorry for your loss. My daughter in law 42 was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two weeks ago. They have given her 3 -6 months. She has two young children. Our hearts are breaking bit by bit. It's a horrible disease. Although it's heartening to know you had more time with your dad than you thought you would god bless you and your family x
  • Hello Laura and welcome to the forum.  Your post is fine and totally coherent.   I am sorry that you have lost  your dad.  I don't know if you have had a look through this, the CRUK website but I am attaching some information about grief, some of which will I think resonate with you.  You have made a good start by coming here and I think that now you have to some extent faced up to the reality of your dad's death it will slowly, slowly become more bearable.  Not easy, but you will be able to say the words.  You will see in one place it suggests that you might want to write down things about the person you have lost; as you say you are already forgetting details perhaps you could try to do this.


    There is never a right or wrong way to grieve; there are no set time limits.  You have just lost someone enormously important to you - it is not surprising you are in such upheaval.  I lost my mam to cancer some years ago and have also lost my dad and I too was worried about forgetting details.   Don't give yourself a hard time.  You will be very welcome to post here as often as you wish.  Annie

  • I feel your pain so much my mum died on Saturday its killing me i have never felt so much pain and I'm sorry for your loss too. I miss her already it's horrendous I just want her back 

  • Hi I just want to reassure you in a small way if I can. I lost my mum few months ago and I still can’t accept it’s real. When I’m home I keep thinking she is gardening or away on her little short breaks ... I think it’s your brains way of filtering the pain maybe. My heart goes out to you so much as it’s awful and I wish I could say something to help you . I’m learning ways to cope and alot of days are still really awful . Try everyday to recall a funny memory and cry , shout whatever you want just don’t keep it inside. Sending a hug and kind thoughts. 

  • So sad and sorry for you Laura.  I'm sure your dad heard you. Many people wait until family have left the room to pass away to protect you.its OK to be numb or angry or cry or not cry.your body is grieving and why not.your dad's not suffering now and is peace.your peace will come....... when I lost my brother I was so angry because his friends were getting on with their lives when he was gone.it took a few months but peace came.....xx

  • Oh my I'm so sorry also i think for a minute then I just break down again I feel so guilty my mum has gone and im still here as she didn't know she was dying I took her to hospital where she died and she thought she was going to get stronger for her treatment, she always said you go to hospital to die. But i feel like i like i have let her down  

  • I want to thank you for replying I honestly thought no one would , it’s so comforting. My mum went from walking on the seafront to dieing 10 days later. I thought I would get more warning. I guess the hurt and the gaping hole mends , I hope whoever you are you have people helping you through . Thank goodness for this forum, I have never done anything like this I don’t have any social media it was a massive step! I guess mum has guided me here . Thank you x