I know everybody is different but..

Hi again.

So mum thinks shes going to carry on for a long time yet. She doesn't realise its sooner than she thinks. She doesn't want to know. Which I understand. 

I know everybody is different but I need a better idea because things I'm reading are giving me totally different answers and the use massive medical words which I don't understand. So I have been told mum has months left but probably won't be here at christmas.

She has lung cancer and 3 secondary brain tumours. No longer been treated. I need to know to get things prepared. Has anybody else been through this? I can take brutal honesty. I prefer it.

Zoe x

  • Hi Zoe,

    This isn't what you want to hear but there's no real way of knowing which is why doctors are so evasive and hide behind their jargon. 

    If they say she won't see Christmas, that's probably as definite as they'll be unless her condition suddenly deteriorates and they can say for sure that she has less time. 

    All you can do is hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. 

    Best wishes




  • Never thought that I would be going on this site. Been reading through people's heartbreaking stories since September 2016 when my world was turned upside down.

    my mum is the best mum ever, active, hardworking and the most amazing nanny for my two children and my nephews. After an apparent stroke my mum lost weight and we put it down to stress because she recovered so quickly from the stroke. After collapsing in front of me in September 2016 we thought it was just low blood sugar level. Me and my sister demanded for a scan not thinking anything could be wrong, but almost wanted to give my mum reassurance that her brain was ok and the symptoms were possibly post traumatic stress disorder. Unfortunately they found a tumour, after a painful long wait we went for another scan and it wasn't just a tumour but several and a mass. We were given 12-15 months. September to December is a blur. I struggled to deal with life, I didn't want my life to end but thought everyone would be better off without me. After councilling (which didn't work for me) and antidepressants and the most amazing best friend, I am able to live again. I am laying next to my mum now as she sleeps snoring loudly in a hospital bed at home. I am lucky to have a great husband, the most bestest friends,  aunties, uncles, sister and dad and so many family members and my mums amazing friends around me. I know it's not long now and I just don't know how I will cope, but I have to because I need to tell my daughter and son what an amazing nanny they had/have. I will not give up hope until my mum decides to, she is amazing and will fight to live for us. I am so lucky to have a mum like my mum and I will be forever grateful for everything she has said and done for me.
