I have had a Core Biopsy Cancer & Lyme Disease

Hi Everyone,

My name is Alison and I have just had a Core Biobsy done today I went alone. As I have no family in the UK. So last Wednesday I went to see the breast cancer specialist with a lump on my right breast.  I have Lyme Disease and I have taken out a bank loan against my home to pay for treatment in Germany. Anyway It turns out that I had a previous scare in 2011 on hte left hand side. Now theyre happy with the right hand side but not the left.  So today they removed 4 Clasifications but behind there there is a tumor.  Now I have had very bad health and Lyme Disease has caused so mcuh Inflamation and infections that I have no Immune system and no killer cels in my body. So the Cancer sprecalist ordered the biopsy today and i should hear my results before I go to Germany next week for Stem Cell treatment. But what is bothering me is that my right kindeny is enlarged, therefore the left isnt working well.  Then for this whole year I have had problems with my bowels now I am  severly anemic and my poo is black I have made this aware to my breast cancer specialist. But so far I'm not sure what I can do.  I am mean to go for Lyme Disease treatemnt which I may have to cancel if It turns out to be cancer or a secondary cancer. Any adive from people would be greatly appreciated.  It was an M3 now an M4 possibley I dont know what this means. I couldnt take it all in as I went on my own I didnt want my teenagers to know about this! Thank you xxx

  • Hi there... I’m not up to speck on Lyme disease but get the jist from what you say ... I have a lot going on with osteoporosis, trapped nerve in spine .. etc and then brest cancer on top ... so radiotherapy is out coz I don’t heal very well but had mastectomy and I’m still standing ... it was a lot less painful then I’d imagined... I wish I’d known before my op and then I wouldn’t have panicked...

    it’s a shame you went on your own as it all went over my head after the word we all dread , Cancer... you say you don’t want to worry your children, and it does depend on their age ... but the best thing I did was share my journey with my son 36... he found out by accident as I was like you not going to “worry” him .. but my daughter in law came with me for appointments (great memory ) and she took it all in and she held my hand for the biopsy... my son was there the day of my op and his was the first face I saw coming round .. they will probably cry and be worried .. but gentle honesty worked for us ... and brought us closer ... even my 5 year old granddaughter knew nanny was poorly and the hospital an drs were going to try to make it better ... she treats it as normal now .. and just every so often asks how my “ouch is “ 

    don’t know what m3 m4 means .. mine was grade 3 her 2 ... if you give free phone help line a call on here or McMillan  , they’ll explain what it means ... whatever happens please let us know how you go .. big hug Chrisie xx ️