i have a question

Hi everybody

Can i ask a question please

My wife is now 18 days post her radical nephectomy of her left kidney so far healing and recovery has all been within the parameters we were told to expect but during the night she experianced sudden onset of nausea with spasm and dry reaching she did not actually vomit just  had the feeling and discomfort it passed in about ten minutes and she went back to sleep afterwards.

What i would like to ask is has anyone else experianced this or does anyone know if this is a common occourance or should we be more concerned 

thank you for your time


  • Hi Steve,

    I've no idea what the answer is but my own care team made it clear that I should ring them if anything unusual happened or if I had any concerns.

    It may be nothing but, if only for your peace of mind, you should give them a ring. They will probably have given you a named nurse to contact.

    Best wishes
