I don't think my dad has long left :(

I'm heart broken. Dad has stomach cancer and peritoneal Mets. These last 2 months have been so difficult watching him deteriorate and suffer with nausea, trapped wind and ascites. He had 8litres drained from his abdomen 3 weeks ago and it has built up again. Drain going back in this Friday. I am so scared. I know his body is shutting down. He is so weak and tired. I feel bad for thinking that I dont want him suffering anymore and to die peacefully in his sleep. But then my next thought is I don't want him to go yet. I love him so much and I don't know how I'm going to cope without him being here but I am finding it so hard watching him suffer. We don't know how long he has left. 2 months ago we thought he only had a matter of weeks but he has surprised us all. I am scared of not knowing when it's going to happen and what's going to happen and how I'm going to stay strong throughout for my mum. I just feel so helpless and like I'm just floating, waiting for him to die. It's the worst feeling I have ever experienced. All I want to do is sleep because then it's not happening, the minute I wake up it hits me. It's all I think about every waking minute. I wish I could make it all go away and make him well again. 

  • Hiya, I'm really sorry to hear about what's happening with your dad. I too am going through something similar with my dad. He's been fighting it for nearly 4 years now when he was told it was only going to be 6 months, and I guess I convinced myself or was just going to keep going on and on. Suddenly there have been a lot of changes in him a in the last few weeks. he's gone into hospital yesterday due to water retention caused by heart and liver not functioning and lack of nutrition and now being told the outlook isn't looking good, Ive never been in this situation before I've always been shielded from it when it's happened previously as I was younger, but now being the only family my dad has and not knowing what to say or what to do and not knowing what he's thinking. It's horrible watching it happen and I the same as you feel like I want the pain to end for them, but also for them to not go as I'll miss him. I've been trying to keep myself busy where I can by doing odd jobs around the house resisting the urge to just sleep so I don't have to think about it all. Stay strong x