I don't know how to cope!

Hi everyone,

I don't really know what I'm hoping to achieve on here I'm just so lost..

My lovely dad had a tumour removed from his spine recently and was sent home a couple of days later. We were then told over the phone that it was malignant, the day after that we were told it was metastatic so would be terminal.. This broke my heart but I had hope he could have his life prolonged with chemo then 48hrs later we were told he had approximately 3-6 months and too weak for chemo.. Im not coping at all, he is only 64 and had a wonderful life planned with my mum.. I cant bare the thought of losing him yet, I am so scared and can't think of anything else I just don't know how I'm going to get through this

  • Hello Gem84 and welcome to this forum.  I can understand your being so distressed as you have received bad news heaped upon bad news.   As you say, 64 is no age these days and to learn that you will not have your dad for much longer must be a horrific shock for you and your mum.  It is a situation which nothing in your life has prepared you; it just suddenly happens.  You are now trying to do what is right by your dad and at the same time trying to cope with your own feelings to enable you to help him.  How is your dad reacting to this news?  As this has all happened so quickly you all need support and I hope that a care team is moving into place to provide help.  Have you been put in touch with MacMillan Cancer Support (Freefone 0808 808 0000) - they will help your mum and yourself as well as your dad.  I know it is a bit of a cliche but you just have to take every day as it comes and not look too far ahead.  Be a bit kind to yourself; you won't always cope as well as you would like but your love for your dad will help you to give him the care and love he needs.  Some people in your situation like to keep posting here as it gives you a bit of support to be able to speak your feelings to those of us who have been in a similar position.  It is going to be hard so please take any help you can get from whatever source.  Annie