I can’t cope with loss of mum

I'm just wondering when the pain gets better. I lost my mum year ago now and I can't even function right u til I see her again . I feel my whole world has fallen apart and I have a daughter I need to be there for who is 9 and I feel she is sensing my sadness people say I should be healing now but

i don't feel I ever will until I see her. Need some help :(

  • Hello love, it's extremely hard losing your Mum but when it's affecting your own daughter then you need to seek more help so call your GP and explain how you feel.  On the practical side your Mum would be upset if she knew that her death was having repercussions for her granddaughter, grieving has many stages and each person takes their own time and route to get through it.  This is what I did, I found a beautiful photo of my Mum and me smiling and happy, had it framed and its on my sideboard so I see it each day.  If I'm happy I tell her, if I'm sad I tell her but she always smiles back at me however I feel!  You need to concentrate on the good times, fond memories, lovely times as a family, she would be so sad to see how you are suffering.  Also you obviously had a good relationship with her, lots of daughters don't have that so that's also a blessing.  Nothing I say will make it easier it's just suggestions so try it and see if it helps a little.  Post again if you need to ill put you on my follow list.  Best wishes, Carol x