I am terrified that I might have Lung cancer.

I have a mass white hazy on right lung and did CT and lung doctor said likely lung cancer. Had PEP test but waiting for results. Waiting for EBUS or biopsy on lung.

  • A very warm welcome to the Cancer Chat community Lis although I'm sorry for the reason you're joining us.

    I know this must be a very scary and rather unsettling time but I'm glad you've reached out to us as our members will definitely understand how you are feeling, so you are not alone, and hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer their support and advice.

    Waiting for results is one of the hardest parts of this journey but I hope this article I've found on how to cope with waiting for news will make this time a little bit easier.

    You're also welcome to talk things through with our team of cancer nurses on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    We're thinking of you Lis and will have our fingers crossed for a good outcome.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator