I am scared

I have just been phoned by my g.p and he has just told me I am going to be fast tracked to the local hospital as I have bowel cancer. I am so scared. I am 71 years old and cared for my 87 years old wife for 5he last four years until she died in January this year. I could be strong for her, but am terrified for myself. What a wimp, but Inever let her down. My daughter tells me that I am worrying too much, but if my doctor tells me I have got cancer I am sure he is right. Roy

  • Hello Roy,

    Im sorry to hear you’re going through such a tough time. You have obviously got a great GP and a strong daughter. It’s easier said then done to put out of your head I know but the NHS are brilliant and it’s sounds like whatever it is has been caught early on. Take heart from the fact that you have the support of many including everyone on here. 

  • Hi Roy. . Your not alone ... wer all scared in those early days ... there's no way round the waiting ... but even the strongest of us feel vulnerable when something like this pops up ... you've been through so much in a short time ... so just be kind to your heart ... it's o.k to feel scared, wer just human ... 

    But everyone on here knows this feeling, so hold on in there ... like you know it's a rollercoaster ride, but wer all on that ride too ... sending you a vertual hug ...Chrissie x

  • Hello Roy, firstly are you sure your doctor said cancer and not possible cancer? There's a difference. You could ring him if you're not sure. 

    Secondly, my elderly uncle was dealt with promptly for bowel cancer and was in the clear in a very short time, with minimal treatment.

    I'm so sorry you lost your wife recently, what a blow. You are not a whimp, you've proved that by caring for your wife for so long. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    Take a deep breath and telll yourself all the things that helped your wife.

    Best regards, gamechanger