Husbands Jaw

Hi, I wondered if anyone could help, I have posted a few times in the past, my husband is having a lot of trouble with his jaw area, he actually had radio therapy back in 2017 for Tonsil Cancer, but for about six weeks his face & jaw has swollen, he's been in hospital twice because of it having antibiotics through Iv, two weeks go by then it starts again, they say it could be an infection in the jaw due to radio therapy damage, has anyone else gone through this, he's having Imune therapy every two weeks but obviously when his in hospital he's missing his treatment, it's all a big worry as though it's not bad enough having cancer, looking forward to hearing from you, thanks Carol x

  • I'm sorry to read that your husband is still contending with a swollen jaw Carol. This must be very difficult and frustrating for you both. Hopefully some of our members who are in a similar position to your husband will pop by soon to offer their support and advice but do feel free to join in on any other discussions you find about this using the 'search forum' option in the blue bar above.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator