Husbands first chemo

My husband had his first session of chemo last Monday and just wants to sleep. We didn't know what to expect. His chemo is palliative. Does it get easier we are both struggling

  • Hi Suenmags

    Chemo side effect vary and also depends on the chemo and yes it makes you sleepy seems to be common.  As is a change in your taste buds.  The whole chemo day is tiring especially the first one,

    You dont say how often his treatment is but once you see a pattern in the side effects you know whats coming and how to adapt. Like not doing too much after but building up inbetween sessions.  You have to listen to your body and rest when you need to

    I used to keep a diary of how I was even if I just put tired today. It helps when you see the doctor so you dont have to remember things.  Plus it does show a pattern.

    One thing I was told was to drink plenty of fluids especially water. Before, during and after treatment and keep my fluid intake up.


  • Thanks for your reply Will keep a record and see if there is a pattern. He is having sessions every 2weeks for 6 sessions. Seeing consultant today.
