Husband new diagnosis

My husband has finally been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer after being unwell for more than 12months. His Liver, although not malignant is constantly giving poor blood results. His appetite has improved over the past few weeks since taking Omeprazole, but his consultant is surprised that he's able to eat as well as he is.

He has taken the diagnosis without making any comment, really matter of factly, which has upset me as he won't really talk about how he's feeling and I'm at a loss to know what to do or say, any advice would be appreciated.

Today he's been referred to a DMT at a specialist hospital so I don't know how long we're going to be waiting 

  • I've just been diagnosed with stage 3 lobular breast cancer which appears to have spread to adrenal glands and stage 4 is now likely. 

    I just want my husband to tell me he loves me and that he will be there with me and to listen. A lot of the time I cope by thinking its happening to someone else, I told that to the breast cancer nurse, and she said that is common. Its as if you think about you just want to cry or scream forever and that is a waste of energy for the time you have left. He may also not want to burden you with his worries so maybe let him know you are there for him if he wants to talk about it, cry etc. If you have kids its also hard as you want to hide it but they over hear things. 

    I hope you have support for you as its hard to think that your other half may not survive, my husband cries sometimes. Mine is making me lots of tea and cake though maybe not if he is struggling with eating. I want to do practical things like make a will and I would like my husband to make one too and things like power of attorney but that's a hard topic to raise but especially important if you have kids. 

    Thinking of you both. 


  • Aah thanks so much for your response, I do keep telling him I love him and here to talk when he's ready, but I think as he's always been the provider for me and our 3 boys, all with their own families now, he finds it hard to express anything to do with illness as he's rarely taken a day off work.

    We already have wills and power of attorney, luckily sorted a long time ago, so haven't felt the need for that conversation. During lockdown we discussed lots of things about what he wanted after his passing, so I think he knew that was the start of his problems.

    I hope you manage this conversation soon and your treatment gives you a positive outcome 

    Thinking of you and sending hugs x