Husband just diagnosed

I am brand new here..  My husband just found out after 2 months of waiting and 2 scopes to get samples for biopys one was broncialscope and 3 weeks later a mediastinoscopy (misspelled) they had to send results to the mayo clinic. We just learned its Sarcoma a very rare cancer. Stage 4. He has an enlarged lymph node between his right lung and heart and several others around his lung it is also in the lining of the lung and it spread to his adrenal gland. We are waiting to hear from the Cancer institute for appointment with the only doctor that speciializes in Sarcoma in the state other than one that is 400 miles away.  I am trying hard to stay focused on the Lord and remain calm and not panic. We have 4 adult children and 8 grandchildren. They are all our sunshine our support. My husband Bob is trying to remain optimistic but this cancer is in the gene his mom had it and she lost her battle at age 58 over 30 years ago. So it is hard to remain positive. I know the battle before us. Watched his mom die and my mom died also of lung cancer and my dad recently passed with Alzheimer's. I had stage 3c colon cancer 29 yrs ago and Iam here today cancer free and know miracles happen.  May we all here support each other as we walk this path together caring for our loved one.     I did not know where to post this. I thought I was posting in caregiver but it did not give me a choice

  • Hello Nanaof8; you are most welcome here.  Am I right in thinking that you live in the USA?  Mediastinoscopy - which I  had to look up - is perfectly spelled and I think that bronchialscope relates to bronchoscopy (apologies, I have no experience of these terms!)  I am sorry that specialists are few and far between but trust that the one you are seeing will serve you well.  And it sounds as though you have  a good number of loving relatives.  Sorry also that this is genetic - can anything be done to lessen the risk to your children and grandchildren?

    You sound like a strong lady; I expect you have to be but pleased for you that you have a strong faith to help you.  We would be most pleased if you would come back to us and tell us how your husband (and yourself) are doing.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Thank you Annie for replying to my post. Yes we live in the USA. We hope the new oncologist have answers to the genetic gene. Thank you so much. 

  • Hello there, I write under Stay Strong as I am married to a stage 4 lung cancer sufferer, incurable.   We started our cancer struggle this time last year and we are still here!  Take it a day at a time, looking ahead is hard because it's the unknown .  My Granddad died of lung cancer and it stays with you, but times have improved and treatments more advanced so don't harp on the past.  Treat each day as a new different day and just live normally if he's OK, if not make a decision to have a quiet day.  It's hard but you have to be optimistic for both of you.  Keep posting as it clears the mind.  Stay in touch.   Carol 

  • Thank you caz07. It is encouraging to hear your husband is here with you in the sunshine!. i do try not to look back. But when bad news comes I tend to do just that so i often look to my right or left until the shock passes. It is shocking news to hear as you know, and  its been only 4 days since the final diagnose. Thank you for reminding me to not look to the past. We all need to be reminded of that.  It is another new day and for where we live the sun is shining this morning. 

  • Hello again Nanaof8.  I don't know if this will help but I am attaching a link to a page of this website that deals with the emotions cancer suffers sometimes go through.  It specifically mentions anger which is why I am sending it.  Please do keep in touch.  Annie

  • I'm glad I could help a little .  Lucky you sunshine,  it's  4 degrees and snowing!!