Husband GBM withdrawal

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.....My husband and I recently had a results meeting at the hospital to discuss the outcome of an MRI for GBM4 brain tumour.  The results showed 'stable-no growth' which came as a massive releif to us as the past 2 MRI scans have showed definate change.  We left the hospital feeling like a big weight had been lifted and shed several tears.  I didn't really notice my husbands change in behaviour for a couple of days as we had a couple of peices of bad news regarding some friends and I thought he was upset about that.  But he is very quiet, He's not interacting with the family, hardly talking and not helping around the house and if he does he flits from one job to another leaving a trail of destruction! I've stopped asking if he's ok because he bites my head off. I can understand him feeling withdrawn of course I do.  This has happened several times before but I feel so lonely, I can tell hes not listening to me when I do talk to him.  I think friends and family think 'results were good, everything must be fine now and they can get on with things til the next scan' but every day is a struggle they couldnt be further from the truth.  

  • Hello carin11,

    I am sorry to hear that your husband has been withdrawn and that he isn't interacting with the family at the moment or being responsive to you. This must be so difficult for you. I remember reading another member's similar feelings. You can read [@Mandymops]‍'s story here . Her husband also has GBM so feel free to respond to her if you wish. I am sure she and many others on our forum who are looking after a partner who has GBM will relate to the loneliness you describe and I hope they will along shortly to share their own experience with you. They probably understand better than your friends and family what your daily life is like at the moment and the struggles you are currently facing. 

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Dear carin11

    i really do understand. I'm here if you want to chat, Mandy

  • Thanks Mandy.  After a few really tough weeks my husband seems more like his old self.  He's been playing with our daughter and generally seems happier in himself so I have to make the most of those precious moments, I might even ask him to put the new light up in the toilet!  He's currently on some treatment for the next week and I know he never feels great so withdrawel is to be expected, it's like a viciuos circle. Sometimes when things are bad I just wish this was all over and we could try and move on but then feel instantly guilty for thinking that. I hope you and your husband are ok. Carin

  • carin11, my dad has glioblastoma  grade 4,  hope you will get in touch.:)

  • hi mandy, my dad has glioblastoma  grade 4,  i wondered how things were with your husband, as your last post was a while ago..please get in touch if u can. :)

  • Hi cococat,

    I'm so sorry to hear your Dad has GBM4. I'm here if you need a chat

  • hi carin, thankyou for replying, i am sorry to hear you husbands story and you supporting,  are dealing with a glioblastoma multiform grade 4 too,  im interested to know how are things with your husbands health, now its a while since your last post 2nd august, glioblastoma multiform grade 4, hes been de bulked as much as possible as it was on dads right side they went in above the ear like a horseshoe shaped scar, then he had radiotherapy sessions, and he got through that fine, which also was a huge relief, and now hes on the chemo pill 5 days on 3 weeks off,  they make him a bit sick feeling, sometimes vomits, but he makes it through the 5 days on with sickness pills, and is glad when each 5 day cycle finishes, so far hes still dad, still remembering all, still laughing when we make him and more positive now weve read some survival stories of people still alive and well and in    non  recurance with just a scar tissue left,  were hopeing  when his chemo finishes that the mri he will have will show just scar tissue too, and were hopeing he will be in    non recurrance for years,  there are so many bad stories of peoples struggle and lost battle,  we are staying positive as can, dads been eating lots of sprouts hailed as a cancer fighter, and omega 3 fish for brain function, and cut out nearly all sugars, it seems to be working for him so far, i wish more people would post how its going as time progresses, my dads always been a fit active healthy young 69. doctors still dont know what causes the glioblastomas some say environmental factors like poly vinyl  pvc  and  CHLORIDE and others say some genetic others can be  inbalance in the persons chloride levels, and some say they have tumour cells in there blood already all the time, but doesnt normally pass the brain barrier, but occasionally does.... how are you have you found out anything on that count also... sorry its a long message , but i was so relieved to find some older dated glioblastomas posts , to see how things are..  i would love to keep in touch over the months or years we hope ahead,   to compare and see how things are with their health,  it can be very helpfull. i hope things are still going well for you both.