How to tell the doctor I’m worried and need help?


Things with my doctor are moving so slowly. I know these things take time and they have to rule other things out and have a million things to do but I’m starting to feel really frustrated. Not just from feeling ill constantly but also feeling like my doctor isn’t listening to me. 


My symptoms have been going on since the end of September and they just keep getting worse. Blood clots and blood in my stool all the time, diarrhoea, vomiting fairly regularly, weight loss, constant nausea all the time especially after I eat, sore stomachs and bloating that last for hours. I feel so exhausted all the time too. This week I have started noticing small amount of blood when I vomit. I have noticed it twice this week and it is a very small amount of blood but it’s so hard to not be worried about that. 


I had blood tests and a stool sample a few weeks ago and they said the only thing they noticed was that I had a slightly high platelet count that they want me to go back for more blood tests next week. They also said my stool sample ruled out anything like crohns or an autoimmune disorder.


the doctor gave me meds for nausea and while they help for a few hours all my other symptoms remain and my nausea comes back very heavily after about 4 hours. 


I have never been paranoid about getting cancer before but it has been on my mind constantly lately. I know logically my symptoms are probably something else and very minor but it’s very frustrating not knowing what is going on and not being able to fix it. My doctor is constantly telling me to wait a couple of weeks and I should feel better but I’ve been doing that since October and I’m just feeling worse with every passing week. 


I don’t want to be rude but how do I tell them I’m really worried and feel so ill constantly. I feel like I’m going crazy and this is all in my head.

  • I am going through the exact same thing... no doctors are listening to me at all because of my age even though they found abnormalities in my blood test and blood in my stools but they're refusing to do anymore. I'm so so scared it's cancer but then I'm like well what if i'm just exaddurating and all of this is in my head and it's nothing. Feel like i'm going absolutely mad and the healthcare system is failing me. Please keep us updated, sending lots of love and positivity to you. <3