How to support

My good friends are dealing with terminal cancer and at most will have a tough year ahead. They really are family to me and I have been asked to be with them and their children right till the end.  I know this is an honour really but i don't want to burden them when I get upset etc. He's looked after me over the years and it's heart breaking to say the least. If I'm honest I can't believe what's happening and hope there's a mistake  but each time I see him it's more n more obvious . I try to just be myself and laugh n joke etc but I always feel I should be doing more .  What can I do to be useful 

  • Hi

    Please do not feel  you will be a burden. When loved ones (relatives or friends) are in need and would like the company of others, they ask for a reason.  They want you to be a part of the journey they are facing and the time spent with them will in time bring memories you will cherish. If you want to be there for them then any emotion would be perfectly normal and no doubt be from both sides at times. When my husband was taking his journey with terminal cancer he did not like to talk too much but really enjoyed having his good friends visit as he said this 'felt normal'.  It wont necessarily be easy (I lost a long term friend during the time my husband was also ill but gave her as much visiting time as I could too) but hope you will all keep each other company from time to time.  Use the forum to offload anytime as there are some lovely 'readers/responders' who really understand.  Look after  yourself.  Jules54 

  • Jules is right and very wise = listen to her. For the person concerned  - they need to feel that things won't change and that life will go on as normal after they have left. Its hard for you - but if perky and jokey is your way = then thats good. We all meet tragedy in our own way = my instinct is just to run away from sad things! But I don't as life has taught me that that just to be there can be so good for others. We are all put on this planet for a purpose - maybe this is it. Who knows? But as Jules said - you must look after yourself, its all very stressful and you need to unburdon and need time and treats to regain your own sense of balance. Life was not meant to be serious = just is does have the odd clouds going over

    be brave
